Podcasting 2.0 and the Value for Value V4V tag

I want to show the CTP crowd what's going on with Value for Value on Podcasting.

Right now this is based around putting a value tag in your XML for a Podcast which gives a Lightning Node address. I'm using this and a growing number of people are. While I'm not overly impressed with the Lightning Network, I think it's just the first of many monetisation and micropayment systems which can be built into decentralised podcasting.

You can get an idea of how to join in for now from this article on PodNews and if you're interested, please get in touch with me.

I'm working on making this more "Hive" and would love to get a community over here on Hive interested in working with me on this.

So follow me here, follow @podcastindex and if you're a Dev, consider listening to the weekly podcast. If this really interests you, join the PodcastIndex Mastadon Social site.

Some of my previous posts on Podcasting 2.0:

Hive and Podcasting 2.0 update notifications

Lightning needs to align financial incentives with value provided

Podcast is taking the Internet back to the decentralised future

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