Camping Club Hive Photography Contest -5- Theme Landscapes Be extended, Let's Prepare Your Story!

Landscapes Photography

Camping Club Hive Photography Contest from #cch community.


My favorite landscape mode photography is just for you. I have posted before in your community I am very happy that you have supported me as a newcomer.

I went with my family to visit a traditional place in our Bogra district. While there I took several types of pictures which I have shared with you.

I am sharing the sketch pictures with you, it was taken with my Samsung galaxy m31. Which I bought a few days ago.


This picture was taken from a little resort and we were staying at this resort. The food here is very good. If any people of our country have stayed here, they must come to visit this place one day and tell me how it felt.

As you can see in the picture, I have shared with you some parts of a resort that flows by the river. I will share more pictures taken from this resort with you later. If you present us with such a contest.


A road to the resort flows past four rivers and you can see a watering can in front. These pots are watered at the resort trees and they have a man hired to do the work.

I am very happy to be able to participate in the contest with you so far today. You will present the contest among us more and more. We will try to participate in all the contests. Thank you Assalamu Alaikum.

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