Soaring With Ironic Mystic Magic For All Your Marbles

Dream the dreams and go the extra mile.

Run fast like Sonic and hop wisely like Mario.

Dunk like Mike on NBA Jam.

Be in a mystic dream that is clearly ironic.

Here are a few photos from the 1990s.

Well, a few from the 2000s as well.

I scanned these drawings and other things today.

I have a drawing I did of some guys playing basketball.

17 scans total and that includes some of my video game console ideas, a few inventions or designs of a few things, and a few other things too.

Also a few notes from my mom who went to an event in Portland, OR in 1997 and I think I was there too. She had a bus pass in 2003 during college. She would write poems and songs. She is pretty talented. Also, I have some foreign money here too from like France.


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Soaring With Ironic Mystic Magic For All Your Marbles

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-19 - Saturday | Published in December of 2020

1993 - Basketball Drawing - Joey Arnold.png

1993 - Basketball Drawing - Joey Arnold - Age 8
I was playing basketball on a team that year

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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50 Cinquante Francs-1.png

50 Cinquante Francs

50 Cinquante Francs-2.png

1997-04-04 - Friday - 20:00 PM - Reinhard Bonke - Portland, OR, Marilyn Arnold-1.png

1997-04-04 - Friday - 20:00 PM - Reinhard Bonke - Portland, OR, Marilyn Arnold

1997-04-04 - Friday - 20:00 PM - Reinhard Bonke - Portland, OR, Marilyn Arnold-2 ok.png

1997-04-04 - Friday - 20:00 PM - Reinhard Bonke - Portland, OR, Marilyn Arnold-3.png

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold - apx year-1.png

1999 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold - apx year, some of these drawings may have been from 1998 at the earliest is my guess

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold - apx year-2.png

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold - apx year-3.png

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold - apx year-4.png

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold, inventions - apx year-1.png

1999 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold, inventions - apx year

1998 - Ironic Mystic and other video game console systems by Joey Arnold, inventions - apx year-2.png

2003-11 - Tri-Met Bus Pass - Marilyn Arnold-1.png

2003-11 - Tri-Met Bus Pass - Marilyn Arnold

2003-11 - Tri-Met Bus Pass - Marilyn Arnold-2.png

2005-12-08 - Thursday - WOLBI 2nd Year Progress Report - Joey Arnold.png

2005-12-08 - Thursday - WOLBI 2nd Year Progress Report - Joey Arnold

2007 - - Marilyn Arnold Poem - apx date and I'm guessing on the website as well, not sure exactly-1.png

2007 - - Marilyn Arnold Poem - apx date and I'm guessing on the website as well, not sure exactly

2007 - - Marilyn Arnold Poem - apx date and I'm guessing on the website as well, not sure exactly-2.png

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