Spawning And Incubating The Catfish Eggs After Fertilization .

Hello Hivers!!
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So, it's about 10 hours after we gave the female catfish the spawning hormone to help her easily release her eggs, and the time has come to collect the eggs.

As a result, when the time came, I put the catfish in a larger dish and dried her off with a towel because the spawning hormone shot we had given her had made her rather feeble.

In order to collect the eggs, I first set up a clean, dry smaller bowl. Then, I began gently pressing the abdomen from the head region to the tail region, and the eggs easily emerged.

Because pressing the eggs out might be a severe task, you should certainly employ a second hand.

If you keep throwing the eggs out, you will eventually notice some little amounts of blood trickling out, which means the egg sack has been entirely emptied within.

Therefore, when all of the eggs have been removed, the male's sperm must also be removed. I used to think that the guy had to pay the ultimate price, but now I realize that if all goes well, he might get a second opportunity.

One sperm sack may be sufficient to fertilize the eggs if the sperm sacks are full of milts, and the second sack may be saved for a subsequent breeding cycle because the make typically has two sperm sacks.

The male's belly needs to be cut open in order to extract the sperm sack. The male will still survive to complete another breeding cycle if you know what you're looking for and can get one of the sacks out and carefully close the opening.

I thoroughly clean the removed sperm sack in saline solution to remove any contaminants. The sack over the eggs is then cut open with a razor blade, rinsed with saline solution once more, and thoroughly mixed for a short period of time.
*This helps increase the sperm surface area so that all the eggs can be fertilized.

However, the eggs have not yet been utilized; I must first add fresh water to the mixture before I can spread the eggs out on the spawning net I've made.

It will take between 26 and 34 hours after the eggs have been sprayed on the net for them to develop in a healthy environment.

A significant factor in this is temperature.

The eggs will successfully hatch at a good temperature.







Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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