Making The Black Soldier Fly (Bsf) Love Cage Ready By Adding Water, Attractant, And Eggise.

Hello Hivers!!
Welcome to my Blog!!

In order to help the black soldier fly (bsf) survive as long as possible after it emerges as flies, I will be filling the love cage with several essential items today.

Water tops the list of items that must be put inside the love cage. The only thing the black soldier fly consumes as a fly is liquid or water. It does not consume any organic waste after emerging as a fly. It has already consumes enough food while in the larval stage.

When consuming the organic waste, it stores some of it as fat. This fat will keep it alive during the metamorphic stage, and when it is a fly, all it needs for survival as a fly is water. This results in a very brief adult life cycle of the black soldier fly.

A mature black soldier fly has a maximum lifespan of two weeks before it dies.
The majority of the time, both the male and the female die off following a successful mating and egg-laying attempts.

That is how brief an adult fly's life is.

But I discovered a method of maintaining them for a lot longer, that has appeared to work for me in the past. It involves introducing a small amount of glucose to their water, giving them an energy boost so they can continue mating and laying eggs.

The fly is given more life and energy by the glucose.😉😉 LoL..

However, you don't simply pour water into a bowl and leave it there for them to drink, in which case they will die due to their poor swimming ability (I believe the flies should occasionally take swimming classes, it helps 😉😉).

You must set up a foam or wool surface so that they can stand on it and absorb moisture from it.







The attractant comes next, and it's quite significant since it tells the female where to lay her eggs.

The female typically lays her eggs close to rotting organic garbage or another source of odor. Unlike the typical house fly, they don't lay their eggs directly on the organic waste; instead, they search for a tiny opening or crevice nearby to lay their eggs, where they will hatch and fall into the waste and will begin to eat it after falling into them.

The eggise will be positioned on this. We set eggis above the attractant; these can be made of wood, plastic, or cartoon and have a space between them where the female can lay her eggs.

In my situation, I use the leftover rabbit feed that I've fermented over night and use as an attractant. The smell of the fermenting food draws the female fly to the eggies I've placed on top of it.







The temperature and humidity check was the last item I set up.

This is crucial because the fly only becomes active at a specific temperature and humidity level (28°C to 30°C and 50% to 90% humidity). At higher temperatures and lower humidity if the humidity level in the love cage falls below 50 percent and the temperature ranges higher for an extended period of time, the fly might die off, you will need to raise it by using a humidifier or just adding water to the area to increase humidity and reduce the temperature.




Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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