🤠🤠Samples of some of my good and bad habits😁😁

I hope everyone is very well. I am also very well. I came today to share some of my words with you. Today I will not talk about any important thing or anything. I will only mention some things about myself in this post.


Friends, every human being has some likes and dislikes. In a word, I will try to share with you all the things I like and the things I don't like to do.

When it comes to hobbies, first of all I like sports and I have been involved in various sports since my childhood, but I like cricket a little more and I like Gram Bangla Crambboard very much.

But everything has to be done to keep pace with the current technology and since I am in exile I can't play those games anymore so now I usually play mobile gaming which is played through internet.

When it comes to eating and drinking, I like to eat fruits and vegetables inside the vegetables. If you say why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you like vegetables?

Fish-meat These are my favorite foods. I like to eat meat a lot and I don't eat many kinds of fish inside the fish. I like to eat a handful of white fish.

And from where I've talked to you about this online Perth name, I like to learn more about the online world, I like to learn more so that I can do something in life, everyone wants to do something in life. I also have some desires.

Now I will share with you what is bad in me.

The first thing to say about alcohol is yes, I am addicted, but it is not the kind of intoxication in which people will lose their senses. I usually smoke bidis and cigarettes.

However, I am trying to give up this addiction little by little. I don't do any other addiction except that it is my only bad habit that can be said.

So friends, this was actually a small sample of my likes and dislikes that I tried to share with you. I hope you like it, everyone will be fine and healthy.

God bless you

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