Global Collapse – Part 5B: Global Civil War

Hi Everyone,


Welcome to the final part of this series. Part 5B concludes the series by considering the world we could be heading towards. I strongly believe that the collapse of western societies is inevitable. I also optimistically believe that it is possible to rebuild our societies so that they are stronger and better than ever before. However, it is possible we will rob ourselves of this opportunity. With tensions running so high, we may implode to the point of no return.

Manipulation of People: It Could Happen to Anyone

I do not believe anyone is born evil. I do not believe anyone is completely immune from it. Our lives our shaped by everything we encounter. Nobody can say with any certainty what he or she would have been like if born under different circumstances and raised in different environments. The posts in this series are not intended to be critical of any race, ethnicity, or religion. The criticism is of how race, religion, and culture are used to manipulate people into thinking and acting in a particular way. Much of my criticism is directed at Governments and the broader Establishment. They pit different cultures against each other. They attempt to dictate culture by manipulating the young and depriving them of critical thinking.

The most critical influences in our lives are the ones we encounter when we are young. We have the least control over these. It is unforgivable how the minds of our children are poisoned. Some are taught to hate based on beliefs, culture, religion, and skin colour. Some are told to self-loathe because they are inherently bad. Others are told that they must accept that they are disadvantaged and should not even try to succeed. The greatest gift we can give our children is the opportunity to think for themselves. Let them pave their own future. Empower them to be responsible for their own lives.

An Islamic World

As discussed in Part 3, populations of Muslims in the UK, Europe, and the USA are increasing rapidly. This has been done through design. This has been done, in part, through the destabilisation of the Middle East and North Africa. NATO, and the US in particular, have consistently maintained a strong military presence in the Middle East and North Africa. Since 2001, up to 3 million US servicemen and women have been deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq alone (Brown University). The US has dozens of military bases across the Middle East, the largest in Qatar, which hosts around 11,000 servicemen and women (Aljazera).

War and instability in the Middle East and North Africa have led to millions of people being forcibly displaced. In 2023, the number of refugees increased at the fastest rate in history. Europe has become the destination for more than a third of these refugees (UNHCR). The USA has welcomed a proportionately large number of them. Their process has enabled fraudulent applications to get through their system (Center for Immigration Studies). Europe may have an even bigger problem with false claimants for asylum. Some lawyers in the UK are even helping people make false asylum claims (The Epoch Times).

We could summarise the process of mass migration as follows:

  • Cause displacement of millions of people.
  • Encourage people to come by offering them free accommodation and other benefits.
  • Enable people to enter illegally.
  • Enable people to stay illegally or help them find loopholes in the system so that they can stay legally.

The above does not include the huge influx of people through regular migration. On its own, regular migration is more likely to lead to assimilation into the culture of the host country. However, when combined with mass migration, it just adds further to the segregation of cultures. Muslims tend to be younger. They have higher birth rates and lower death rates. Their populations will naturally increase faster than the European indigenous populations.

The current war in Israel will likely lead to even more people from the Middle East seeking asylum in Europe and the US. Proposals to bring in Palestinian refugees are already in the works (Wall Street Journal cited in Yahoo News). If the war expands to include more countries, the number of refugees is likely to increase. Europe and the US will likely take a large number of them.

Not all wars, human crises, and natural disasters are contrived. There will always be people who need to flee their countries for various reasons. Stable countries should feel obligated to help these people. They should be offered housing, food, safety, and all other basic needs. Countries can do this directly by taking in refugees or by providing aid to countries that take them in. Countries that take in refugees need to have a culture compatible with that of the refugees. For example, refugees from the Ukraine war. This is for the benefit of the people of the host country as well as the refugees.

Most European cultures are not compatible with Islamic cultures. Muslim refugees would be better off in countries that have a predominantly Muslim indigenous population. European countries are better off sending aid to the countries hosting the refugees to ensure that they have a reasonable standard of living.

Why would Governments desire to have a larger Muslim population?

Islam is one of the strictest religions in the world. Most cultures stemming from Islam tend to be strict. Many countries with a predominantly Islamic population have some of the strictest laws in the world. According to 10 Most Today, four of the six countries with the strictest laws in the world have large Muslim populations (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Eritrea, and Syria). Middle Eastern Muslim countries have the least freedom in the world. These include wealthy states such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Freedoms World Map

Source: WiseVoter

Middle Eastern countries also have relatively high income and wealthy inequality (Carnegie). See Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Comparison of Income Inequality

Source: Carnegie

Despite strict laws and high income inequality, the wealthier Middle Eastern countries rank in the top 50 countries in the world for happiness. In 2020, the UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait were ranked 22nd, 25th, 26th, and 47th, respectively (World Happiness Report 202). When included, both Qatar and Oman have ranked in the top 30 (Country Economy).

The Establishment and Western Establishments would delight in having populations that embrace strict laws, tolerate high income and wealth inequality (in favour of the 0.01%), do not require a middle class, and are generally content as long as they have access to their religion. The leaders would have both uncontested power and wealth, and the people would own nothing and be happy.

You do not need a Muslim majority to have Muslim leadership. Humza Yousef became the leader of the Scottish National Party and the First Minister of Scotland through a leadership change in the ruling party. In 2011, less than 2% of Scotland’s population was Muslim (London School of Economics). This has likely increased since 2011, but Muslims can still be expected to be a small minority in Scotland.

Muslims often isolate themselves from the indigenous populations. This results in some communities becoming predominantly Muslim. For example, according to the 2011 census, Bradford had almost twice as many Christians as Muslims (i.e. 45.9% Christian to 24.7% Muslim). However, according to the 2022 census, there were almost as many Muslims as Christians (i.e. 33.4% Christians to 30.5% Muslims) living in Bradford (ONS). Bradford has a Muslim Member of Parliament. Based on the 2023 Crime Index, Bradford has been ranked the most dangerous city in Europe and the 31st most dangerous city in the world (Numbeo).

Leicester Supports Palestine

Source: Claudia Webbe X Account

Leicester is following a similar pattern. According to the 2011 census, Leicester also had almost twice as many Christians as Muslims (i.e. 32.4% Christian to 18.6% Muslim). However, according to the 2022 census, there were almost as many Muslims as Christians (i.e. 24.7% Christians to 23.5% Muslims) living in Leicester (ONS). Leicester does not have a Muslim Member of Parliament, but their Member of Parliament, Keith Vaz, has been very supportive of the Muslim community in Leicester (Wikipedia).

Higher concentrations of any ethnicity are likely to lead to the election of a person of that ethnicity, or at least someone who strongly sympathises with that ethnicity. Arguably, this could be higher in Muslim communities as culture, religion, and politics are more intertwined than for other faiths. Once elected, the party can promote this person to high positions in Government, possibly even leadership. The leader could become Head of Government (e.g. Prime Minister). From this position, they could change legislation to favour their ideology. The extent of wokeism in Government is likely to enable this to happen.

We could argue that the people could vote for another party. However, in two-party or two-ideology systems, it is difficult to ensure meaningful change. Power bounces backwards and forwards between the same groups of people. This is especially true in a two-party system.

Black and White War

The past few months have shown that many countries are on the verge of civil unrest. It is just waiting for the right trigger to unfold fully. We may soon witness widespread civil wars across most of Europe and North America. The various existing crises are taking an enormous toll on most people and their families. The extent of mass migration is adding to that, as it appears Governments are more interested in helping migrants than their own citizens. The constant discussions about the threat of World War 3 adds further stress.

Despite the mass migration of Muslims into the US and Europe, I believe the key divide is more linked to opposing political ideologies. This is creating a divide based on skin colour and perceived races of ‘White’ and ‘Black’.

On the Black side are the immigrants, the minorities, and the woke. On the White side are the indigenous Europeans, or, in the case of North America, people who descended from European migrants, and some of the ‘right-wing’ minorities. The Black side is more vocal and given a much larger platform to express themselves. The Establishment treats their discontent as justified, as they are the victims. The White side has remained mostly quiet and tolerant of the behaviour of the Black side. When they become more vocal, they are often quite violent. They are treated like thugs, racists, far-right extremists, etc.

The anger on the White side is building to an almost breaking point. We have seen violence break out in Ireland over the stabbing of children (CBS). The response from the Irish Government was in regards to the violence, with no mention of the trigger for this violence. They downplayed the response, with the intention to cause even more underlying tensions. In Ireland, on 16th December, a suspected arson attack destroyed a hotel that was to house 70 migrants (The Guardian).

Those who oppose mass migration are not in the minority. A survey conducted in May 2023 shows that the majority of Irish are deeply concerned by mass migration. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: Ireland’s Concern about Housing Asylum Seekers and Refugees


Source: Red C Poll Business Post

The Irish are not the only people approaching breaking point. In the first quarter of 2023, civil unrest increased in France and Germany by 55% and 13%, respectively (Reinsurance News). People are burning Qurans in Sweden. This sparked an increase in terrorist attacks on Swedish nationals (Le Monde).

Western society might only be one trigger away from breaking point. The war in the Middle East could be that critical trigger.

If the war is prolonged, the chances of clashes between the two sides will increase. Considering the huge numbers of people involved, riots could become extremely dangerous and very hard to control. If police continue to take sides, the clashes could become even more violent. One riot could trigger other riots. This could spread across the western world.

If the war spreads to more countries, the mass migration problem could become worse as more people need to flee the war. More mass migration could fuel the existing anger towards Muslim immigrants and asylum seekers. This could lead to more riots.

If Israel starts to lose the war, terrorist groups and cells located across the US and Europe will become emboldened. The number of terrorist attacks and kidnappings could greatly increase. The public's response is likely to be violent. The riots in Ireland are just a very small preview of that possibility.

If Israel were defeated, this scenario would be considerably worse. If terrorists can succeed in Israel, they will believe they will be able to succeed anywhere. Events of a similar magnitude to 7th October might become commonplace all over the world.

Jews and Christians would be targeted first. The response to such events might be equally fierce. Radical, white supremacist groups might commit revenge killings of Muslims or anyone of darker skin. The public’s anger might be so great that they will actually have significant support. Government’s will take this opportunity to legislate extreme laws to curb this violence. This will escalate into more violence. The National Guard and the military could become involved.

In some countries, radical political opponents will rise to positions of prominence. For example, the winner of the 2023 Dutch election, Geert Wilders, plans to ban mosques (Politico). This is only the start; far more radical leaders than him could gain power. Some of them will gain power through elections, and others through revolution. In these countries, people of darker skin will be targeted. They might be forcibly removed from the country, held in detention centres, or even killed. They will fight back; this will result in even more bloodshed.

The combination of civil unrest, in some cases, civil wars, and the existing crises will cause the standard of living of most people to completely crash. Many will lose their homes and will struggle to access sufficient food. The rapid decline will be too much for many people to handle. Those with enough resources will flee to countries that they believe might offer them a better life. People unable to leave will either accept living in poverty or resort to suicide. Western countries could be transformed into third-world countries in a matter of years. The massive number of deaths and displacements will cause some European countries to become new Muslim states. The countries with leaders who choose to eradicate dark-skinned ethnicities may barely exist at all. The surviving ones may go to war with the new Muslim States.

Possible New World


In response to the global civil wars, new international bodies will be formed to ensure peace. It is unlikely that the EU or NATO will continue to exist. The United Nations and World Health Organisation would probably be rebranded or incorporated into these new bodies. International law will become national law. The most influential world leaders would be from countries that managed to avoid total collapse. If we believe the predictions, these countries will be China, India, and Russia. These leaders will have visibility but limited significant power. Their countries may be little more than vassal states.

I believe it is more likely that business leaders from the world’s largest companies will have more say in these international bodies than national leaders. Many of the big US companies will exist in some form, but they would have relocated to stable countries. They may have also rebranded themselves to suit their new markets as well as disguise their origins. The new international bodies would ensure the world becomes more centralised, but a single global Government is highly unlikely. There will always be too many actors with divergent views for this to be possible.

Path to Deagel Predictions

The scenarios described in the previous sections put us on the path and beyond what predicts. Instead of their disastrous predictions for 2025, we could be heading towards an even worse 2030. Below is a brief summary of the content of the five posts and the path that leads us to the catastrophic predictions.

Path to Civil War

Global_Collapse_5B_Collapse Plan.jpg
Note: In white are the events that have happened or are happening. In grey are the events that are still to occur

Never Lose Hope

The above scenario is not inevitable. It is a warning of what could be to come if the world continues on its current trajectory. Many people are already experiencing considerable hardship. Sadly, this is not going to end anytime soon. It is almost certain to get worse before it gets better. The key point is that it can get better.

We could describe the state of our society, economy, and even civilisation as one of the following:

  1. Damaged but can be repaired
  2. Damaged beyond repair but can be replaced or rebuilt
  3. Damaged beyond repair while rendering us incapable of rebuilding.

I believe ‘damaged but can be repaired’ has been the state of our society for a long time. Sadly, little has been done to repair it. Some people have lived in denial. Others have believed someone else will fix our problems for us. I believe we are at the point of ‘beyond repair’. I believe it became apparent in 2020, but we may have been at this point a lot longer. The predictions indicate that might be the case.

Politicians’ constant use of the phrase ‘build back better’ is another sign the previous status quo is no longer being pursued. However, their ideas around building back better do not have our interests in mind. Their ideas of building back better are leading us towards a scenario similar to the one described in this post. The building needs to come from the people and not the current Establishment/s.

I do not believe we are at the point where we are unable to rebuild our societies, nor do I believe that we need to be dependent on the Establishment to lead any rebuilding process. What happens next depends on whether people work together or tear each other apart.

Posts of a Similar Nature

Over the years, I have written several posts about contrived division in society. Some are bleaker than others. This post might be my bleakest so far, as we constantly head to darker times. Below are some of the posts that I have written over the years.


The Great Word Play


Rise of the Woke

Covid-19 Crimes and Vaccine Fraud

Bright Future out of Chaos


Controlled Opposition and Divide and Conquer

A Possible Grim Reality

My Views on Systemic Racism


Divided by Labels – Focus on Gender and Sexual Orientation

Is Socialism being used as a path to Fascism?

Are the ‘right-wing’ hijacking conspiracy theory to maintain the two party system?


Free movement of people


Divide and Conquer Strategy


Controlled Opposition Explained as a Game Theory Strategy

More posts


I have several collections of posts. I have organised these collections based on content and purpose.

The first collection contains six collection posts created before PeakD had the collection feature. Four of these posts relate to the core of my content; one of them contains all my Actifit Posts, and one of them contains my video course, ‘Economics is Everyone’.


The second collection consists of the posts that I consider define my channel. These posts are significant in terms of content as well as how they contribute to the growth of the channel. These posts reveal the most about what I believe in.


The third and fourth collection is what I call my ‘Freedom-based Economics living book’. They contain all the posts that support my ideas about the value and power of freedom. Some of these posts explain what we can achieve with freedom and what we need to utilise it. Some of them explain how we are deprived of freedom and how we often give up freedom for security and comfort. The third collection concludes with possible scenarios depending on what we (society) choose to do.



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