IBT Survival Island - Regular Update

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Quandong is back - ...well it never left


With IBT we have added native "fruits" that grow in Australia. Quandongs were widely used by Australia's indigenous population and are an unusual fruit that can be dried and when ready to eat you have the choice to put it in water and it re-expands or just eat it dried. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, Vitamin E and folate, as well as essential minerals including calcium and magnesium and contains proteins which can be used to substitute meat. The seed (kernel), has pharmaceutical properties and is used as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.

Building materials


Finalizing some of the building materials require static meshes and a "look" to make IBT have a real feel to it. Like most games materials can look the same and are easy to identify. So rather than having one type of mesh for a type of building material we are using multiple. Depending on the size of the mesh will also affect the amount of materials you obtain from it.

Swimming code almost complete


Not far now from finishing the "new" swimming code for IBT. Unlike the older code this one will allow you to freestyle swim when on the surface. Still with a few small bugs we are not too far off from having it running smoothly. Animations were a nightmare but through trial by error we're not far off from perfecting it.

And thats another update done and dusted. If your following along I hope it's interesting. If your a game creator yourself I hope it's useufl.
All the best until next time.

Cheers and enjoy our upgoats below, thanks to a @ryivhnn


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