RE: The Grand Unified Theory Has Been Elusive - Because Modern Molecular Science Is Wrong

The "billiard ball" theory of "Modern molecular physics" goes to the absurd, and i tried to give a taste of that in a short piece. Probably shouldn't have done that.

To give a better example, modern molecular physics say that magnets work because it emits a particle (a billiard ball) that goes and strikes another billiard ball, and causes it to come closer. Absurd.

Dark matter leads to hypotheses that CAN'T be tested. You get the very same problems we have, with, as they call "sky god". You can't see it, can't test for it, but we see effects of its presence.

Our current system, "gravity, electro-magnetism,…" is complete bunk. It has been completely debunked. It has been completely replaced with better theories, but no one in the ivory towers will allow that discussion. Further, we are only told about how the theories of Newton and Einstein were tested. Most of those tests are actually impossible to replicate.

I agree that we have no settled science. But, just try to say Einstein or Newton are completely wrong, and you get such hugh blow back, that you would assume that science is settled.

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