[EN/ES]The depression in my life || La Depresion en mi Vida

Hello friends, today I want to vent a little with you and I decided to talk about something that can be common, I will talk about how I have dealt with depression in my life

Hola amigos hoy quiero desahogarme un poco con ustedes y decidi hablar de algo que puede ser comun, hablare de como he llevado la depresion en mi vida


Well it all started when I was about 10, 11 when I was starting high school, I studied in a private school where most of the children lived with luxurious last generation telephones, trips abroad or to the island of Margarita, brand new clothes and I was only different. I had to spend the holidays with my grandmother in Falcon, which we did every year.

Bueno todo empezo cuando tenia aproximadamente 10, 11 cuando estaba iniciando el bachillerato, estudiaba en un colegio privado donde la mayoria de niños vivian con lujos telefonos de ultima generacion viajes al extrangero o a la isla de Margarita, ropa nueva de marca y yo lo unico diferente que tenia era pasar las vacaciones donde mi abuela en Falcon la cual lo haciamos todos los años.


So if a few years were something "difficult", they weren't difficult, just that I felt excluded from everyone and more so being an introvert with little communication towards other people, besides that I felt a constant pressure exerted by My mom for the grades, because my grades weren't the best, while my best friend got 19 and 20 I got 13 or 15 so I felt like a disappointment because of the comparison I felt or I made myself

Asi que si fueron unos años algo "dificiles", no fueron dificiles solo que me sentia excluida de todos y mas siendo una persona introvertida con poca comunicacion hacia las demas personas, ademas de eso sentia una constante presion ejercida por mi mama por las notas, porque mis notas no eran las mejores, mientras mi mejor amiga sacaba 19 y 20 yo sacaba 13 o 15 asi que me sentia como una decepcion por el contaste comparacion que sentia o yo misma me hacia


From that point on, I began to feel super bad, discouraged and insufficient, which was reflected in what I loved the most, which was dance, because I began to feel disinterested since I just wanted to be at home and had to go to train and well, if you dance. Without interest, the steps look lazy and without encouragement, so my colleagues began to make fun of me in my face and behind my back for my way of dancing and my weight, so I began to eat in very small portions for "lose weight" -(but it only hurt my health)-, and I was looking for 1500 excuses to stop going I invented pain, school work and others

A partir de eso me empece a sentir super mal, desanimada e insuficiente que se reflejo en lo que mas amaba lo cual era la danza porque empece a sentir desinteres ya que solo queria estar en mi casa y tenia que ir a entrenar y bueno si bailas sin interes los pasos se ven flojos y sin animo por lo que mis compañeras se empezaron a burlar de mi en mi cara y a mis espaldas por mi manera de bailar y mi peso, asi que empece a comer en muy pequeñas porciones para "bajar de peso" -(pero solo le hacia daño a mi salud)-, y buscaba 1500 excusas para dejar de ir inventaba dolores, trabajos escolares y demas


After my mother realized that I did not want to go, she asked me 1000 times why I did not want to go so I told her that they made fun of me and well, she went to complain to the director for something that she never wanted to happen because that made me feel worse. Since they gave us a group talk and the girls knew that I had accused them so they ended up taking me away and I was totally alone. This is how I lost total love of dance and at school I only had my best friend who everyone knew her because she was the first on the list and the brainiac in the room and I was just her friend, so I I felt very lonely and bad

Despues que mi mama se dio cuenta de que no queria ir me pregunto 1000 veces el porque no queria ir asi que le conte que se burlaban de mi y bueno fue a reclamarle a la directora algo que jamas queria que pasara porque eso me hizo sentir peor ya que nos dieron una charla grupal y las niñas sabian que yo las habia acusado asi que terminaron de alejarme y me quede totalmente sola. Asi fue como perdi total amor de la danza y en el colegio solo tenia a mi mejor amiga que todos la conocian a ella por que era la primera de la lista y el cerebrito del salon y yo solo era la amiga de ella, asi que me sentia muy sola y mal


As a result of that I began to self-select strangely I felt better when I did it and no one realized it was perfect, until my mom realized and instead of scolding me as I thought she would do, I talk to me, I vent to her and support myself, Together with my godmother, who is a therapist, and the love and support of all my family helped me to get ahead with that and to get out of the darkness in which I was at that time.

A raiz de eso empece a autolecionarme extrañamente me sentia mejor al acerlo y nadie se daba cuenta asi que era perfecto, hasta que mi mami se dio cuenta y en vez de regañarme como pense que haria, hablo conmigo me desahogue con ella y me apoyo, junto a mi madrina la cual es terapeuta y, el amor y el apoyo de toda mi familia me ayudaron a salir adelante con eso y a salir de la oscuridad en la cual me encontraba en esos momentos


Now I am an incredible woman, I am an introvert but no one is perfect, I still suffer some depression since I get discouraged about things and people, I suffer some anxiety, but it is nothing that I cannot bear, thank God and love of my family, in these moments I am the best version of me

Ahora soy una increible mujer, soy introvertida pero bueno nadie es perfecto, aun sufro algo de depresion ya que me desanimo de las cosas y de las personas, sufro algo de ansiedad, pero no es nada que no pueda sobrellevar, gracias a dios y al amor de mi familia, en estos momentos soy la mejor version de mi


Thanks for reading friends I love you very much see you in the next post

Chao amigos, gracias por leer los quiero mucho nos vemos en el proximo post

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All photos are my property, taken with xiaomi smartphone.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con smartphone xiaomi

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