Mental health, undervalued.

"Make your mind a safe place to be."

In earlier years it was frowned upon (and even had consequences) for anyone, even those in high places, to suffer any mental health problems. This, over time, has caused people to have a poor concept of their mental wellbeing.

Feelings and emotions are absolutely normal in each of us, whether they are good or bad. One moment you can be happy, then sad, then happy again, and that's okay.

I think it is important for people to read, get informed and learn that mental health is very and even more important than physical health. You have to make sure you have a good relationship with yourself, because at the end of the day, you have only you.

Discover yourself, know yourself, be kind to yourself and go to therapy; believe me that talking to a professional about how you feel can help you a lot.

Taking care of yourself is also an act of love. Self-love.


Note: This picture was taken by me with my phone, you can use it as you wish. It doesn't really fit with the theme of the post but I wanted you to have some visual medium to inspire you, and what more inspiring and beautiful than a rose?

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