Fixing the world as the third person



A few days back I spoke with someone I think it was either @selfhelp4trolls or it was @tarazkp about letting thought and expression flow. If it wasn't any of them I just gave an unnecessary notification to them and I am sorry.

It is a concept from the book You are a Bad Ass.

Think of yourself as an alien

An alien who has taken a host of your body and wants to bring out the best in you.

If I was that alien host I'd have a couple of things that are my special abilities and I can call on them. They need to be worked on but I swear they are my superman suit.

I like things to be fluid. I like the alien host to caution me and not totally stop me until it stops naturally. It is also good for caution to start as soon as possible and plans to stop at the same time.

Take pathological lying for example. It would be good for the lier to stop, caution should be given within himself, and plans to stop should be made. I like to congratulate myself when I find myself following through with the plans to stop.

Do our mistakes define us?

It depends, have you tried to make a change? Are you succeeding at making changes? If yes...then they do not, if your answer is no...then stop lying to yourself. You can't be in the habit of lying every opportunity it benefits you and not trying to change and be calling yourself the exact opposite. I don't think it helps to do that.

You have to make plans and try them, till then you're a pathologic lier who benefits from it.

Here is a strength and a weakness for those who need examples.


My versatility

I don't think it's in terms of knowledge...well sort of it is. The only thing I have concrete Ideas about are the workings of the body the rest come to me naturally I am talking playing the piano, singing, boxing, and all the others I didn't kill myself for.

Just yesterday someone was asking me how I have the time to do all the things I do...I didn't have the best reply. It is not something I can explain. My mind obsesses over things until I figure them out. It is typically a depressing time for me cause I tend to compare myself throughout that period.

All this comes with the full package of versatility if you ask me.



I obsess

The alien in me knows that this is an aspect of my life that needs to be sorted out. Well, it comes with my superpower of being versatile but the negative aspect of comparing myself to others who have put in the time and efforts need to be sorted out.

These aren't the full range of what I am talking about but they are just good examples for me.

Hope you have a lovely Tuesday

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