Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earbuds 2 | Are They Really Good?

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Los audífonos son unos mejores inventos que pudo tener la tecnología, nos acompañan desde hace bastantes años y han tenido un montón de cambios/mejoras a través de su historia. Particularmente he tenido mås audífonos que amigos a lo largo de mi vida, casi todos eran los tradicionales pequeños de cable, uno que otro de los grandotes y ahora decidí probar la maravilla de los auriculares sin cable con Bluetooth Pero no todo fue tan bonito como parece, por primera vez publicando en esta comunidad Geek Zone para los amantes de la tecnología, les voy a contar mi experiencia con unos audífonos de la marca Xiaomi.

Headphones are some of the best inventions that technology could have, they have been with us for quite a few years and have had a lot of changes/improvements throughout their history. Particularly I have had more headphones than friends throughout my life, almost all were the traditional small wired ones, one or another of the big ones and now I decided to try the wonder of wireless headphones with Bluetooth But not everything was as nice as it seems, for the first time publishing in this Geek Zone community for technology lovers, I am going to tell you my experience with a Xiaomi headphones.


Había querido estos audífonos desde hace muchos meses, pero estaba consiente que no podía comprar unos de dudosa procedencia, así que me fui por la vieja confiable: Xiaomi. Los estuve adquiriendo el 28 de Agosto de este año, hace casi dos meses, me constaron 25$ y los compre en una tienda de mi ciudad, fue muy fåcil de obtener. Ya había probado unos audífonos de Xiaomi de cable que me habían enamorado, como suelo guardar las cajas de las cosas les dejo la foto como referencia, se llaman "Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic" son unos audífonos que me encantaron por su durabilidad y ademås que el sonido era muy bueno, se me dañaron porque los aplaste, pero se me cayeron varias veces y no les pasó nada, les doy un 10/10.

I had wanted these headphones for many months, but I was aware that I could not buy some of dubious origin, so I went for the old reliable: Xiaomi. I was acquiring them on August 28th of this year, almost two months ago, they cost me 25$ and I bought them in a store in my city, it was very easy to obtain. I had already tried some Xiaomi headphones with cable that I had fallen in love with, as I usually keep the boxes of things I leave the photo as a reference, they are called "Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic" are headphones that I loved for their durability and also that the sound was very good, they were damaged because I crushed them, but I dropped them several times and nothing happened to them, I give them a 10/10.


Volviendo a los Earbuds Basic 2, al principio fue una maravilla, el placer de escuchar mĂșsica sin cables era perfecto, tenĂ­an un alcance decente con respecto al lugar donde debe estar el dispositivo que produce la mĂșsica. Me costo un poquito acostumbrarme a manejarlos, pero fue relativamente fĂĄcil, sonaban bastante fuertes y consideraba que eran unos muy buenos audĂ­fonos. Con respecto a la cancelaciĂłn de ruido, era alta, pero no completa, aĂșn se podĂ­an escuchar algunas cosas pero nada que molestaba demasiado. La cajita me duraba cargada unos 3 dĂ­as y utilizaba los audĂ­fonos unas 3 horas al dĂ­a, aproximadamente, antes que se descargaran.

Going back to the Earbuds Basic 2, at the beginning it was a marvel, the pleasure of listening to music without cables was perfect, they had a decent range with respect to the place where the device that produces the music should be. It took me a little bit to get used to handling them, but it was relatively easy, they sounded quite loud and I considered them to be very good headphones. Regarding the noise cancellation, it was high, but not complete, you could still hear some things but nothing that bothered too much. The little box lasted me charged for about 3 days and I used the headphones about 3 hours a day or so before they discharged.


Sin duda alguna los amaba, aunque en ocasiones sonaban raro, la mĂșsica era muy rĂĄpida o muy lenta, no sabia porque sucedĂ­a eso, pero lo asociaba con que ya se estaban descargando. TambiĂ©n comprendĂ­ que no se puede tener solo audĂ­fonos con bluetooth porque cuando se descargan quedas a la deriva, yo soy una persona que escucha mĂșsica por largas horas en el dĂ­a, asĂ­ que es molesto estar esperando que se carguen, es por eso que es necesario tener aparte unos audĂ­fonos de cable para seguir disfrutando de la mĂșsica.

Without a doubt I loved them, although sometimes they sounded weird, the music was too fast or too slow, I didn't know why that happened, but I associated it with the fact that they were already downloading. I also understood that you can not have only bluetooth headphones because when they are downloaded you are adrift, I am a person who listens to music for long hours during the day, so it is annoying to be waiting for them to charge, that's why it is necessary to have a separate wired headphones to continue enjoying the music.


Hasta hace unos dĂ­as consideraba estos audĂ­fonos como uno de los mejores que he tenido, pero mis opiniones han cambiado dado que sin razĂłn ha dejado de funcionarme un audĂ­fono. Estaba escuchando mĂșsica tranquilamente, los audĂ­fonos tenĂ­an mĂĄs del 50% de la carga y se apagaron, cuando los volvĂ­ a encender solo funcionaba un audĂ­fono, no entendĂ­a porque, pensĂ© que uno estaba descargado y el otro no, asĂ­ que decidĂ­ ponerlo a cargar toda la noche. Al otro dĂ­a me encontraba con el mismo problema, los resetee y seguĂ­a sin funcionar, estuve limpiando las placas de la base carga y tambiĂ©n del audĂ­fono, nada sin funcionar, no esta cargando y tampoco esta dando señales de vida. Debo aclarar que no se me cayeron, no les entro ningĂșn liquido, tampoco los apretĂ© demasiado, les di una vida feliz pero decidieron dejar de amarme, algo bastante triste.

Until a few days ago I considered these headphones as one of the best I have ever had, but my opinions have changed since for no reason one of my headphones stopped working. I was listening to music quietly, the headphones had more than 50% of charge and turned off, when I turned them back on only one headphone was working, I did not understand why, I thought that one was discharged and the other was not, so I decided to put it to charge all night. The next day I found myself with the same problem, I reset them and it was still not working, I was cleaning the plates of the charging base and also of the hearing aid, nothing without working, it is not charging and it is not giving signs of life. I must clarify that I did not drop them, no liquid got into them, I did not squeeze them too much, I gave them a happy life but they decided to stop loving me, something quite sad.


Amaba estos audĂ­fonos, pero me parece que dos meses es una vida Ăștil bastante escasa, si quisiera tener otros audĂ­fonos que funcionen por Bluetooth pero no se cuando vuelva a comprar otros ni de que marca serĂĄn. HabĂ­a escuchado buenas reseñas de estos audĂ­fonos pero tendrĂ­a que darles un 5/10 por su poco tiempo de vida, estarĂ© comprando audĂ­fonos de cable nuevamente y si en algĂșn momento el audĂ­fono muerto decide revivir les estarĂ© comentando mĂĄs al respecto. Espero que les haya gustado mi reseña, nos vemos pronto!

I loved these headphones, but it seems to me that two months is a pretty short life span, I would like to have other headphones that work by Bluetooth but I don't know when I will buy others or what brand they will be. I had heard good reviews of these headphones but I would have to give them a 5/10 for their short life span, I will be buying wired headphones again and if at some point the dead headphone decides to revive I will be telling you more about it. I hope you liked my review, see you soon!

Pictures of my property.

Camera: CellPhone Xiaomi Redmi Note 10.

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