Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1174 šŸ¦


šŸ¦‰ The European robin (Erithacus rubecula)

šŸ“š Erithacus erithakos (Greek) unidentified small bird in
the works of ancient authors; erythros (Greek, lat.) red
šŸ“š rubecula ruber (lat.) red, reddish, rubeculus diminished. by ruber


Miniature beautiful and bright bird. In spring arrives at the end of April, and I noticed that this bird is not very numerous. Only one or two birds are found in the forest.
The bird hides in the deep bushes, only her beautiful melodious songs betray location. And it is enough to turn on the voices of this bird on the speaker, and the nimble male will immediately crawl out of the bushes and begin to sing even more persistently.

Namely, this male sang in the bushes near the old dirt road in the forest. Hearing him, I began to look for him, then I turned on the sound of the bait, and then he appeared and began to sing. But it was not a mating song, because all this happened in the summer, and even from this male it is clear that he is already molting. Most likely, he defended his territory.



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