Free, as the birds

Back to my "bird posts", as I heard from a guild member today 😆! And well, he's not mistaken; this week's SMAP has a free theme, so perfect for anything bird related.

I didn't got as many bird photos as I would have hoped in my last vacations, but got a few little gems, so might as well share them here!

Common house sparrow - Passer domesticus, female

No, these are not the gems you're looking for. But they're cute, anyway: these sparrows were near a small church in a pilgrimage site in Galicia, Spain; probably marvelling at the flow of tourists in the hot summer day.

I wasn't even at the nacional park I was going to visit, but I never complain when a decent bird photo appears, regardless of the location. Though I must admit, in an even greener setting, even a little common sparrow shines brighter.

Arrived at Picos de Europa, a fabulous park in northern Spain, filled with huge mountains that contributed to the park's name. Big winged creatures are a common presence in the skies here, although this one was further away than what I would have wanted.

Eurasian griffon vulture - Gyps fulvus

Vultures are a common sighting, not only the griffon vulture, but also rarer species; I couldn't find them this time, and although I even spotted perched vultures, I was too far away for a decent photo. Well, it's always a good excuse to go back!

But here are the gems I was hoping to see.

Red billed chough - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

The members of the Corvidae family are everywhere, but some are rarer than others! These ones have that distinctive red beak, and were seen flying around, sometimes in rather large groups; they don't exist in Portugal, so I was even happier to see them.

This species also made me realise that either I have a faulty camera or I need to learn how to take better photos with it, because it was almost impossible to take a decent photo of them!

Fortunately, I had better luck with their "cousins"; you see, red beaks are not the only coloured beaks in Corvidae members in these mountains!

Alpine chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus

Alpine choughs appeard too, and so near! This species is normally only found in high mountain area. I had just arrived at a belvedere and was admiring the view of the Covadonga lakes, when a small group flew to meters away.

Alpine choughs... and turds. Turds were all over the place, so it was inevitable to have them on camera as well!

Seeing two rare species of this family was enough to mak my day, even without sights of the large vulture groups, or the eagles. Big or small birds, just being able to witness them in their natural habitat is reward enough, especially in places like this.

European robin - Erithacus rubecula


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