Regal rooster for the #smapcontest

Regal rooster is my entry into Show Me A Photo Contest Round 34 in Feathered Friends Community. For many long years he has lived with me, initially as a colourful green, red and black rooster door stop and then eventually moved him into the garden to be a guardian of plants and flowers. Even though the sun and salt air has dulled his once very colourful lustre he still emanates the distinctive dignity of a rooster.

A very good reason to enter him into this photo contest.


Being made of cast iron he has been ensured of a long life compared to his fellow metal garden ornaments who have fell to bits from the salt air over the years. He will be standing proud and strong for a long time yet.


It has been a fun activity taking photos and talking about my old rooster whom I must admit, has been a tad neglected of late, so thank you @nelivoena for your post. Knowing that a lot of behind the scenes for all contests I wish to acknowledge the contributions of @oks2crypto and @melinda010100 as well.


Regards to everyone


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