🎵 “When the Earth Shakes” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 74

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Protection.” Now is a time in human history when it is vitally important to find sources of safety and security. It is good timing to go inward and call upon protective instincts. For me, I find protection in the Divine. Often times, I think of the Divine as a Heavenly Father. Other times, I interpret the Divine as a Holy Mother—this is who I am referring to as "Our Lady" in this song.

To me, this song is an invocation of courage. As I sing it, I find myself filling with peace, joy, hope, grace... Through this song, I feel I am bringing my fears, worries, weakness, and grief to God. In this way, I find medicine in the maraca, the guitar, the melody, the words, and I have lightened emotions, renewed strength, and firm thoughts. When the earth shakes, I am brave.

"Medicine Song" means different things to different people. When I call this a medicine song, I am saying that the song itself brings medicine to me. It is a remedy for fear, helping me to feel safe and sound. It is as if I am a Warrior of the Light, and the music itself is my protective armor, helmet, and shield, guarding and guiding me. With this medicine, I feel healthy and well in my body and mind.

How do you find protection in your life? Whether it is through a medicine song, or a vaccine, or a hot ginger tea, or something invisible, I wish for you to feel safe and sound. I wish for you to be guarded and guided by the Divine presence in your life. I wish you joy.

When the Earth Shakes

When the earth shakes
All the world will cry
I will call upon Our Lady
For she will lift me up

For she will lift me up
With her Holy Peace
I will silence the thoughts
I will listen to my heart

I will listen to my heart
I will ask for guidance
While I look deep inside
I will walk in the sacred place

I will walk in the sacred place
Where I feel the love
Gracing my heart
When the earth shakes




Hive Open Mic - Week 74 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Protection.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in.

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