🎵 Hive Open Mic 73: “Humor + Love” | Weekly Update + New Spotlight Artist

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.

🎵 Weekly Update

Celebrating 73 weeks of Hive Open Mic


The 73rd consecutive Hive Open Mic event ran from August 29 - September 4, 2021, with the theme: Humor + Love. This theme was selected by Spotlight Artist: @osomeltrozo, who is one of this community's greatest personalities, as well as being a terrific vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and sound engineer. Let's begin the celebration with his entry.

Te Ví (Original) by @osomeltrozo

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@osomeltrozo is an extraordinary storyteller, songwriter, and song carrier. Here, he shares an original song that feels beautiful, vulnerable, real, raw... awesome. I admire the idea of "seeing" in a non-traditional sense. Seeing in a deeper sense, like witnessing and admiring the artistry behind a music, or a miracle, or something else invisible.

Que grande estimado, que grata sorpresa es saber que también compone! siempre es inspirador su trabajo. Tiene un gran don, le felicito y gracias por esta buena temática que nos ha regalado esta semana. Bendiciones. —@musicandreview

Hermano una vez mas nos ha deleitado con tu excelente interpretacion, muy buena tu composicion que armonia tan preciosa, ademas que todas las voces fueron interpretadas por ti. Bendiciones!!! —@elmusiquito

🌟 Spotlight Artist

Crimen (Cover) by @franciscodesousa

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@franciscodesousa brings various flavors through his big musical gifts. This performance is delightful to me. I like this outdoor setting, visually presenting the music in an interesting way. And I so enjoy the idea of sharing a song for all the neighborhood and their dogs to hear.

¡qué recuerdos traes con esta canción hermano! sé que sabes bien de lo que hablo ... un gran abrazo bro gracias por compartir tu sentir semana tras semana con la comunidad, pronto algo en colaboración (?) :) —@juliopalomo

Francisco, me gusto mucho mucho y más de eso como has cantado esta canción. Sé aque antes no te atrevías mucho a cantar, pero mira, hasta donde llegaste. Te felicito! —@mipiano

I am pleased to acknowledge this musician as this week's Spotlight Artist. As a token of appreciation, I'm happy to invite him to choose our community's Hive Open Mic theme for our upcoming week 78. @franciscodesousa, please choose a theme that will inspire and enliven us as we explore new territory as artists. Just name it in the comments below, and we're good to go!

🔥 Bright Newcomers

Me Amarías Igual (Cover) by @abigail13

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@abigail13 joins us as a solo performer for the first time. She made an amazing first appearance a few weeks ago, alongside @gabo2, participating in the song we sang in unison. It is a real pleasure to hear her singing.

Catch (Cover) by @musicangel

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@musicangel carries a song superbly. His song is a wonderful listening experience, and I like the way the music is presented visually too. I'm glad to begin to know people like him through a good musical expression.

Y Sonó el Despertador (Cover) by @Rayjose

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@rayjose shows great talents as a guitarist and vocalist. I am proud of our community for extending a warm welcome to him.

¡Saludos colega músico!. Excelente elección del tema para la semana de Humor y Amor del Open Mic. Además como dice mi hermano Armando, el tango es fundamental en los inicios musicales de nuestra familia. Era la música que nos cantaba nuestro abuelo. —@osomeltrozo

Qué buena interpretación de este tango tan jocoso! Muy buena voz y muy buena técnica en la guitarra. Además la escogencia de la canción cae como anillo al dedo para la temática de la semana. Muchas felicidades! —@rosana6

Caramba amigo, que buena su participación. Esta música me encanta, en casa crecimos escuchando tango y usted lleva bien ese estilo en su voz. Buen trabajo. —@armandolnrs with @familialinares

Que genial es usted amigo, que lujo debe ser escucharlo en vivo, bienvenido ahora al Open Mic, le deseo muchos éxitos, se lo merece 👏👏👏👏👏👏 —@fernanblog

Hoy Tengo Ganas de Ti (Cover) by @evamillan

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@evamillan participates with a karaoke-style song, revealing her beautiful singing. I'm grateful for her arrival in the Hive Open Mic community.

Linda mi niña! De verdad me encanta tu voz, muy bonita tu presentación! Sigue creciendo cada día como lo haces hasta ahora, mostrándonos post de calidad. Un gran abrazo mi @evamillan. —@maridmc

⭐ Gold Stars

El Ausente (Cover) by @palimanali ft @esperanzac

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@palimanali and @esperanzac give us a performance that is fantastically fun. Ukewewe is the name of their ensemble. They bring a bounty of love and humor, perfect for this week's theme.

Oh, que graciosos! El espectáculo lo que hacéis es genial, seguro que la gira por Mexico va con mucho éxito!! Abrazosos a los dos 🤗 —@mipiano

Atrévete (Cover) by @ricardomello

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@ricardomello brings loads of laughs with this exciting expression of percussion and singing. He is joined by a friend and his mom. To me, the song holds a vibe that is inviting, high-spirited, and tons of fun. To add to the smiles, I misunderstood the details and offered my condolences for the passage of this man's mom, who appears at the 3-minute mark. Good news: She is alive and thriving—that's not a dancing ghost! 😊😂

Que buen trabajo Ricardo, de eso se trataba, que original! me encantó 👏 —@callmeenjoy

Rimas Pa Seducir (Cover) by @manuelmusic

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@manuelmusic teams up with a talented percussionist, together carrying an excellent song. Wow. This is an awesome musical expression. It's a real gift to listen.

Es una de mis canciones favoritas! me encanta este cover, demasiado buenoo te felicito por esto vas evolucionando cada dia mas! —@andrearojas55

Micaela (Cover) by @lasembradora

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@lasembradora and her adorable family carry a song with great spirit. I am inspired to see the way this family plays music together. I think collaboration in music making is the ultimate harmonizer, and so it's no wonder this family seems so tight-knit. They are exemplary musicians, and their smiling eyes show their quality of character. Impressive!

De verdad que es tan bonito ver como son de unidos. Les quedo muy divertido!!! admiramos a cada uno de esta familia. Felicidades @lasembradora. Bendiciones a todos 😇🙏🧡 —@musicandreview

Me encantó 😍 que buena vibra la que tienen ahí presente 🤗 pude disfrutarlo un 100% y estoy segura que ustedes también lo han disfrutado mucho 👏🏻👏🏻 que continúen los éxitos y que Micaela nunca se deje de disfrutar en sus reuniones. —@dojeda

Mi Alegre Parrandón (Cover) by @irissol

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@irissol makes another adorable appearance here. It is so cute to see her having fun in this way, with her musical merry men accompanying her. Such a pleasure to see and hear the joy!

Hermana quedo chévere tu locura felicidades a ti y a los licotes que te acompañaron! —@dealtokilate

😅🤣😂 Quedo demasiado divertido, sin meter la sacadita de moco 🤮 jajaja y Javier ya esta perdiendo el miedo escénico, así se hace. Bendiciones a todos los participantes. Se les quiere 🤗🥰💕 —@cochanet

¿Por Qué? / Why? (Cover) by @alinares ft @osomeltrozo @dealtokilate

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@alinares carries a Reggae vibe, complete with fresh new dreadlocks. He is supported by his auntie and uncle. This is a great comedic performance, from the amusing lyrics to the amazing backup dancers.

My good ness this is too hilarious😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 @ebingo

Jajajaja. te quedaron muy bien las preguntas. Excelente creatividad. Felicitaciones 👋 —@emilmadrid

Sabes que odiaba a este comediante y me molestaba que tu escucharas su música, pero al ver que causa un buen efecto en tu desenvolvimiento en el canto y presentación, además de que la verdad es muy bueno en lo que hace, aprendí a comprender el porque lo sigues y ahora lo sigo contigo. Me encanto verte en esta nueva faceta y lo presencie en vivo y directo, como toda fan enamorada, lo hiciste muy bien amor, me siento muy orgullosa de ti. Te amo😍🥰 —@cochanet

El Ladrón (Cover) by @reinamalinda

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@reinamalinda shows up shining, once again, supported by some familiar musicians who made multiple appearances this week. I so love the supportive shouts from the percussionists. It's a pleasure to hear her singing, moving, dancing, presenting this song in such an entertaining way.


💫 Acknowledgements

Today's weekly update showcases a small selection of songs that stand out to me personally. Numerous other songs can be explored and enjoyed, beyond this list. My intention is to acknowledge the excellent artistry, the supportive community involvement, and above all else: global harmony—this is what our community stands for.

Behind the scenes, Hive Open Mic moderators devote many hours each week to listening, commenting, curating, and creating for this community. The moderation task is a big undertaking, and I'm thankful to @mipiano, @jesuslnrs, @juliopalomo, @daniel2001, and @brujulamusical for their active involvement. Additional thanks goes to the OCD Community Incubation Program, who rewards our musicians with generous upvotes.

I am grateful to all of the Hive musicians who expressed themselves this week through the Hive Open Mic community. It is beautiful to witness the connections we create through the songs we carry and share. I believe the entire world benefits through the harmony that music gives to us. I appreciate the listeners among us, supporting the musicians, through claps, finger snaps, comments, and upvotes. Thank you.

🌞 Invitation


Hive Open Mic - Week 74 is underway now.

This week's invitation is: “Broken Heart.”


Enjoy? Join in.

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