🎵 Hive Open Mic 63 - Viajera del Río (instrumental Cover)

You're back with another entry for #openmic. This week's topic is "Storyteller". I thought about what songs tell stories. But more important in which songs the storyteller is part of the story. The melody of this song came as the flower on the waters of the rivers (that's a part of its lyrics). It is also a beautiful song. I think it's the Venezuelan Waltz with more convers in history, but don't quote me on that (it's a rock fact!). But here's a real one, it was composed by Manuel Yánez and it is a very famous song from the southern state of Bolivar, more specifically yo the city of Puerto Ordaz and its two rivers: Orinoco and Caroní.

Anyways, it's a song about nostalgia written on a major key. That makes it doubly wonderful. How does it strike my sensitivities? Well, it talks about these things that have passed and won't come back. Life itself takes the shape of a river and the precious things are a flower moving on it currents. The narrator talks about being struck by the beauty of this flower, but feeling melancholic after it is carried away.

There's also a mention of dreaming about the flower and going back to the place where it all began. Much like life itself being an act of reminiscence. And the futility of wishing the river could change it flow, turning back, taking the flower back.

About me, it reminds me of Cristina (a girl a met in kindergarten and whom I maybe can address as my childhood love). I didn't see her much after 3rd grade. Only a couple of times at a distance. But I've always followed her in her social media and even exchange some messages. It a weird thing. I mean there's actually nothing, but it's one those things I can't explain. I'm happy about those feelings. Seeing her and knowing she's happy and well, makes me smile with glee. So for me the river brings back the flower from time to time. In my case, it gets even more beautiful each time I see it. The sad part? Well, I can't see her in person...

So for all of those who miss something or saw something that struck you for life because of its beauty and would love to have the experience again, here's this cover. It is dedicated to all of you, to Cristina and to the community of #openmic.

I'll add the lyrics in Spanish for those who might not remember them and all of you who would like to know them:

Paseando una vez
Por el malecón
Extasiado me quedé

Al ver una flor perfumando el río

Era angelical
Como el azahar
Y corría y corría

Buscando el horizonte se perdía

La quise tocar
La quise abrazar
Quise amarla como a ti

Ni que fuera un mago
Para contener la fuerza del río

Y se fue ocultando
Y se fue marchando
Luego desapareció

Pasaron los años
Y el arcano tiempo la alejó de mí

Por eso en mis sueños
Cuando la recuerdo
Triste voy al malecón

Para ver si el río cambia la corriente
Y vuelvo a ver mi flor

La quise tocar
La quise abrazar
Quise amarla como a ti

Ni que fuera un mago
Para contener la fuerza del río

Y se fue ocultando
Y se fue marchando
Luego desapareció

Pasaron los años y el arcano tiempo la alejó de mí

Por eso en mis sueños
Cuando la recuerdo
Siempre voy al malecón

Para ver si el río
Cambia la corriente y vuelvo a ver
Mi flor

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