Hive Open Mic 142 - Que Sera (Doris Day)

For this week's theme "Nuestro Destino" I'm going to share a classic tune by Doris Day, "Que Sera", which serves the theme in two ways: Firstly the destiny of a little boy in the film in which the song was used, and secondly simply by its lyrics, that we all can relate to.

Doris Day sang it in the Alfred Hitchcock film "The Man Who Knew Too Much" for which it won an Academy Award in 1956.
Being a singer in the film she sings this song to her kidnapped son as an aid for him to be rescued by his father, played by James Stewart.

The song is quite simple, but covers in just a few words and only three verses the whole life of a person and raising the point that we often don't know what will become of us.
However, it does leave out that not all is left to chance, but that we do indeed have some control over what happens to us! It's sometimes just a matter of how much work we want to put into that control!

Anyway, I hope, you like this one and as always: Thanks for listening! šŸ˜ƒ

You can find the lyrics here

Que Sera on Wikipedia

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