Hello everyone from Hive - Hola a todo el mundo desde Hive


I am a Venezuelan hivers that since I arrived in the hive I have been in constant growth and evolution, reinventing myself and exploring things I had never done before, that's what keeps me in love with this social network.

I have been two years since I arrived and since then I have expanded my wings to information, knowledge, relationships, and daily challenges. A year ago I made my first publication of Hi from Hive, at that time I was conducting a training program to include people who did not know hive successfully achieving to train 10 people from different parts of the world, some located in my own country, but physically far away and others in Spain and Switzerland, of those 10 people that I trained 8 were unknown to me, but to see my enthusiasm they were motivated to learn about hive.


Soy una hivers venezolana que desde que llegue a la colmena he estado en constante crecimiento y evolución, reinventandome y explorando cosas que nunca había hecho eso es lo que me mantiene enamora de esta red social.

Tengo dos años desde que llegue y desde entonces he expandido mis alas a la información, conocimiento, relaciones y retos diarios. Hace un año realicé mi primera publicación de Hi from Hive, en ese momento estaba realizando un programa de capacitación para incluir a personas que no conocían a hive logrando con éxito entrenar a 10 de distintas partes del mundo, unas ubicadas en mi propio país, pero lejos físicamente y otras en España y Suiza, de esas 10 personas que capacité 8 eran desconocidas para mí, pero al ver mi entusiasmo se motivaron a aprender sobre hive.

They made their presentation successfully, but unfortunately due to their different obligations they did not continue working to grow their account and dedicated themselves to their normal obligations, however, that experience allowed me to participate in a competition and I managed to obtain a second place for training 10 people in the same month.

After that I became a fan of contests winning in different communities until I created my contest that deals with games and riddles with a frequency of 8 to 10 days, I started in January and the contest is already in round number 30, counting participation of 177 people or different accounts.


Realizaron su presentación con éxito, pero lamentablemente por sus distintas obligaciones no siguieron trabajando para hacer crecer su cuenta y se dedicaron a sus obligaciones normales, sin embargo, esa experiencia me dio la oportunidad de participar en una competencia logrando obtener el segundo lugar por incursionar a 10 personas en un mismo mes.

Después de eso me convertí en una fanática de los concursos ganando en diferentes comunidades, hasta crear mi propio concurso que trata de juegos y adivinanzas con una frecuencia de 8 a 10 días, comencé en el mes de enero y el concurso ya está en la ronda número 30, contabilizando una participación de 177 personas o cuentas distintas.

Hive has transformed me into a writer of poems, stories, and micro stories, photographer, a person who always seeks to get out of my comfort zone now dabbling in singing, a month ago I decided to put aside the shyness that was taking over my being and I dared to enjoy the music and sing for all hivers and the whole world having a good acceptance or beginner's luck if I continue like this I will end up dancing.

Hive me ha transformado en escritora de poemas, relatos y microcuentos, fotógrafa, una persona que busca siempre salir de la zona de confort ahora incursionando en el canto, hace un mes decidí a apartar la timidez que se estaba apoderando de mi ser y me atreví a disfrutar de la música y a cantar para todos los hivers y el mundo entero teniendo una buena aceptación o suerte de principiante, si continuo así terminare bailando.

I have had two years of growth in many aspects, personal, educational, spiritual, economic, and relationships, I will always be grateful for reaching Hive.

This publication is part of a contest he is conducting @livinguktaiwan if you want to participate enter the link. Thank you very much

He tenido dos años de crecimiento en muchos aspectos, personal, educativo, espiritual, económico y de relaciones, siempre estaré agradecida por llegar a Hive.

Esta publicación es parte de un concurso que está realizando @livinguktaiwan si quieres participar entra en el enlace. Muchas gracias



The banners are created by me.The icons are from icons8.com. The English translation was done with Deepl Translator. The images belong to me unless their origin is indicated and were captured with the camera of the Huawei Honor 8S cell phone.

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