Tales of the Urban Explorer: Cow Dyke Farm

I do need to get writing these up. 47 is the new count I have of ‘Tales’ stories to get out and my recent trip to Wales increased that number thanks to @grindle sharing some locations.

Watch for those around February 2021 with the rate I'm churning them out.


This one is from very early July and once again based in deepest Yorkshire, the veritable land of dereliction.

Cow Dyke Farm has been the victim of two suspected arson attacks in recent years. There was a fire at the farm in late 2017, which started in one of the derelict outbuildings on the site. The fire destroyed the shed and spread to a hedge, but was extinguished by fire-fighters quickly.

On Sunday 31st January 2018, another fire tore through the farm, which started when a small amount of rubbish was deliberately set alight in a kitchen inside one of the buildings.

Officers from North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said the fire had caused damage to around 70% of the complex. As of January 2020, Rowan Green Developments are constructing a 180-home housing estate on the 21.7 acres of land around the farm.

Was there going to be anything left? @dizzydiscovery and I parked on the nearby housing estate, located the farm, and started walking up the hill looking cautiously at a bunch of drunken revellers in a nearby garden, ignoring the social distancing rules placed down by our illustrious prime minister.


Getting pissed appeared to be more important than a couple of blokes approaching one of two buildings, the first looking severely burnt.

It looked like a bungalow and some distance from the main farm, so why the arson attack on it?



Sliding through extremely prickly thorn bushes we got to the house and not surprisingly straight in, the front door looking a little charred.


Well, at least there was some evidence of civilisation here, the rusty washing machine in the corner being just that.


I figure sheep live here now, the extra moulting type who like to jump on the cupboards.


I had a moment in this room where my foot went through the burnt floor; fortunately, there was no deep cellar to fall into.



Some words of wisdom, that’s if you can read it.



I fear there is little hope for this one, as burnt out as you get.




The bathwater did not look too appealing, it was a hot day and we were both struggling but there are limits as to where to cool off.


We made for the big farm and hoped for a little more than a burnt-out shell.


From a distance, it looked nicely sealed up, but we all know there are weaknesses in every castle's armour.

Ignoring the barns, outhouses and corresponding animal shit we focused on the house and had a good walk around the perimeter.

This main farm was out of the way of the local pissheads still making lots of noise and partying in the distance.


Does the shape of that house look wrong? I could have been pissed, or maybe the camera was too but the stonework looks warped.

First impressions looked like only one section was open, and that meant climbing through a window with some broken glass attached.

Hmmm, I peered through and saw... COWSHIT!. Fuck that.


The back of the house was better and it looked long, I mean much longer than from the front and yes… there was a way in!




Burnt out just like the bungalow but I could see it was nice once.



The problem with fire is that it destroys almost everything and the lower ground area revealed little.


I told @dizzydiscovery I was going upstairs, burnt or not. He reluctantly followed after my fake allegations, with plenty of 'oooh's' and 'aaah's' of the sheer nothingness I saw.

Well, you have to do something to get him into action!



Nice Jacuzzi in the corner and even a Bidet next to the shitter. That is quite unusual for the UK.



I was tentatively creeping around on the second storey. I am quite daring but you don't go prancing around like an elephant when a building has been firebombed.


Nice fireplace, could this ever be saved or too far gone? That wonky brickwork on the front of the house tells me probably not.



Another one crossed off the list. They are all fun to visit, even firebombed wrecks like this.


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