The city that does not exist

I haven't come here for a long time ... the boundaries of the old city are narrowing, soon there will be no houses of the 19th century at all, although they still look quite reliable and strong.

From the structure of the house, it is noticeable that the owners lived upstairs, and trade was carried out downstairs. This is a traditional building for the 19th and early 20th century.

I walk in the yard around the building. The doors are closed. Nobody invites you to enter the house. I have a stable feeling from this house - a kind owner once built it.

But his time is running out. No one has lived here for a long time, judging by the broken windows.

Yes, and the yard is overgrown thoroughly, you can not see any path or other passages.

I often call this place "the city that does not exist".

II feel sad when I come here...These houses are like the remains of the past.
Just shadows of a past life.

But even old forged nails remain in place. Home doesn't want to surrender to inevitability.

Evening fell quickly and dusk fell. Walking here alone became somehow alarming. Will definitely come back here later.

South Ural, summer 2021

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