Courtyard spaces. Upper Suburb-4

Interest in photographing courtyards gradually becomes with a touch of sadness. This is because I go around more and more territories, more and more open maps of the area in my game called the metaphysics of courtyard spaces.

But in fact, you don't need to feel sad, but, on the contrary, enjoy the process, warmly remember those walks, and also reread old posts with interest.

Everything is going as it should be.

There is always a hidden program of what awaits us next. If we knew her, then we would not always like it and we might not come to many things and circumstances.

But the basis of future circumstances has already been formed and can only be slightly adjusted in one direction or another.

Why is there a delay in time when we ask something from the universe (god, system), and why is there a delay in receiving punishment for our actions?

So that the system (god, universe) can make a plan for future circumstances, which you will definitely come to.

Among them there are those that can be assumed. For bad deeds, which is logical, we get problems, for good deeds - a reward.

It is logical that if we create only comfort around us and at the same time sit on the ass evenly, then such circumstances will be sent into your daily life to make you move.

It is not profitable for the system that you slide from level 5 to level 3. It needs you to go from 5 to 7. Otherwise, the entire universal plan will be lost.

Well, let's say there are a lot of such people who slide from 5 to 3 and even lower. But these are the very people, due to whom more than a dozen people, looking at degradation, will rise. These people are like keys to others.

Everything is interconnected, therefore, people degrading in this life will grow in the next. This is just a certain stage in their life for them. But with the help of their degradation, they raised others.

Yes, the system rewards very much those who make not only themselves move, but others as well!

To be continued...

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