Parsimonious pleb


Here's a new word for you: parsimonious, it means excessively stingy, just like the clown who made this meme :) I like this new tongue twister because it sounds nice in conjunction with another favorite word of mine that describes me pretty well: pleb. I think that in order to gain traction in the crypto world you have to posses a certain frugal mindset or else you would cash out at the first chance and miss out on much grater opportunities down the road. Filling those bags is tedious and if you don't resist the temptation to spend those shiny coins on all sorts of stuff you won't get them filled any time soon if ever.

In contrast to this selfish and greedy view of crypto I think there is also an argument to be made of making real friends in this space and also seeking advice from people that you trust. So there is a balance between focusing on yourself and helping others, while learning from the people that know more than you. In other words blockchain social media should be about working together and not going full ham on the selfishness part. But it seems not everyone views it that way.

In a recent post the noise cash devs talked about reducing the payments of people that mostly renoise ( similar to retweeting for example ) other people's content. While I understand where they are coming from, it also seems like a detrimental thing for a social platform, just my two cents.

Personally I don't like sharing other people's posts because I don't consider myself to be much of a influencer ( my followers are mostly alts anyway :))) and I like to think that the people who follow me on noise cash do it for the shits and giggles not for random renoises. Or maybe I'm just a selfish bastard looking for excuses :D

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