Vegan sausage and sweet peppery stew for Hive Top Chef


It's getting cold here in Montreal and when I say cold I mean around 20 degrees C.

For me it's time to make stews and soups. So since the [Hive top chef] (@qurator/qurator-s-hive-top-chef-or-sausages) this week is about sausage, I have encorporated some vegan sausages into a stew.


The vegan sausages are one of only two kinds that I like. They don't hold back on flavor. These are a local company so it's even better for me.

I used items that I harvested from the bargain bin at the supermarket across the street. Actually I just don't have time or energy to run for farm fresh items, even if I knew where to get them.

The multi colored potatoes and carrots interested me. I like colors in my food. These items are much more expensive but it's worth it once in a while.

The sweet potatoes were to add a little sweetness and a different texture.


I saw so many marked down peppers in the marked down bin so I took as much as I could carry, since red peppers tend to cost quite a bit.

I roasted some of them, with a red onion to make a puree and also to slice into the stew. First I removed the skin.


Cauliflower was also on sale so I thought why not, I will throw some in the stew.


The potatoes, carrots were cooked separately, as well as the sweet potatoes, since they require different cooking times. Besides I don't have a pot big enough.

After the potatoes and carrots were cooked I got out the wok which is the largest pot I have, and cooked, onion, garlic, celery, in olive oil then added the sausage.


I then added the tomatoes and other items.

I added only some of the peppers in slices but also some pepper puree into stew to add the moisture along with the tomatoes. I added a few tablespoons of vegetable soup broth and a bit of red wine which is of course optional.
For the seasonings, I added salt, pepper, paprika, thyme, oregano, and a pinch of cane sugar.


I let it simmer for quite a while, then I added a splash of vegan cooking cream before serving.

Although I never buy vegan cheese, I had a chunk given to me, and Marc likes it so he was not opposed to me grating some on top of the stew.I had mine without.


People that know me know that I love hot spicy food, but this particular dish, in my opinion didn't call for it. I just wanted to enjoy the tastes of the red peppers and tomatoes with the sweetness of the potatoes and the texture of the sausage.

Vegan sausage and sweet peppery stew
Four vegan sausages
4 or five mini potatoes
4 or five small rainbow carrots
1 large sweet potato
1 roasted red, and one roasted green pepper
1 cup roasted red pepper puree
2 tablespoons cooking cream
4 or five diced tomatoes
1 white onion
1 red onion
4 cloves garlic
2 cups cauliflower
1 cup frozen peas
1/4 cup red wine(optional)
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon thyme
3 tablespoons soup broth powder
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil to saute
pinch of sugar


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