Qurator's Photo Quest | Happiness ~ Be Happy For This Moment

Find happiness in the little things. Be happy for this moment. Life is so precious, enjoy your every moment while you can. Use your time wisely. Say I love you, hugs, and kisses your loved ones every day. You might not have the chance tomorrow.

This picture is of a group of my friends enjoying some games in a sports carnival.

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This is a submission for Qurator's Photo Quest | Happiness by @qurator. Thank you @qurator for organizing such a wonderful contest, visit this link below for more details:

Are you a fan of contests? You are also welcome to join the other contests that are currently ongoing. Please follow the links below for more details and have fun with your submissions!

That's all for now, wishing you a beautiful day ~ Life is Beautiful.

The Best is yet to come, Keep Creating Keep Hiving!

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,


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