Chicken Satay, Satay Sauce and Ketupat

Hello Hiveans! This week's Qurator's HIVE Top Chef's theme is skewers. When I first knew this, the first dish that comes to my mind was satay since I really loved eating them. I was kind of worried because I don't have a grill at home and I was thinking how in the world can I do satay at home without a grill. I have this wire rack and I think so this can come in handy for me to make satay at home on the gas stove. I will have to do with whatever tools I have at home, and I pray this works. As a result of making Chicken satay at home, it can be done and my feet sore from standing for hours to complete this meal. So let me introduce you to one of Malay's famous dish on skewers that is called Satay, and today I will be showing you how to make Chicken Satay and its sauce. So let's start cooking.

Chicken Satay, Satay Sauce and Ketupat

Chicken Satay always will be served in a package that will contain the satay, satay sauce that is made of peanuts, ketupat which is a rice cube, cucumber and onion slices. Below is a plate of a complete Satay meal.

The Whole Ingredients


Ingredients for Chicken Satay

• 2 kg boneless chicken breast (make 25 skewers)
• Skewers (soak in water for a minimum of 1 hour)
• 1 tablespoon tamarind sauce
• 1 cup of brown sugar
• 5 tablespoon oil
• ½ cup sugar
• Salt to taste

Blend ingredients
• 1 bunch garlic
• 1 big onion
• 6 Lemongrass
• 2-inch ginger
• 2-inch galangal
• 2 tablespoon coriander powder
• 2 tablespoon cumin powder
• 1 tablespoon fennel powder
• 5 tablespoon turmeric powder
• 3 pcs candlenuts

Methods for Chicken Satay

1. First thing first, soak the skewers in water so that it will not burn when you cook later.

2. Cut chicken breast to 1-2 inch cube pcs. Don’t throw the skin and fat, we will use them as well in between the meat when we assemble them. I also like chicken liver and heart satay so I added them together for my satay.

3. Blend all the blend ingredients, add to the chicken.

*4. Add 1 cup brown sugar, 5 tablespoon oil, ½ cup sugar, 1 tablespoon tamarind sauce and salt to taste. Mix well. *

5. Let it marinate for 1-hour minimum in the freezer.

6. Assemble the chicken pieces on the skewers.

7. Burn those chicken skewers on fire, do the oil rub occasionally with a brush while burning them and cooking to perfection.

8. Chicken Satay is ready.

Boil the rice cubes

I bought readymade rice cubes in plastic packets that you can easily buy in the supermarket, so just need to boil them.

Ingredients for Satay Sauce

• ½ kg peanuts, fry, leave to cool and then blend.
• 1 cup chilli paste
• 1 pc gula melaka
• ½ cup sugar
• 1 pc asam keping
• 3 cups tamarind water
• 1-inch belacan
• 7 lemongrasses
• Salt to taste

Fry and Blend ingredients
• 3 Onions
• 5 Garlic
• 1-inch ginger
• 1-inch Galangal
• 1 tablespoon dried shrimps


Methods for Satay Sauce

1. Fry peanuts, leave to cool and then grind.

2. Fry onion, garlic, ginger, galangal and dried shrimps until fragrant and then blend them.

3. Saute the blend ingredients until the oil has risen.

4. Add chili pastes and fry until the oil has risen.

5. Add peanuts and 3 cups tamarind water, let it boil until the oil has risen.

6. Add gula melaka, belacan, lemongrass, asam keping, salt and sugar, let it boil until the oil has risen.

7. Satay Sauce is ready.
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Chicken Satay, Satay Sauce and Ketupat

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My plate

A plate of chicken satay is traditionally served with rice cubes, cucumber and onion slices topped with that satay sauce.

Yummy Chicken Satay!

My advice for those who do not have a grill but would like to do satay at home, yes you can. I used a wire rack on my gas stove. Just that there are lots of cleaning needs to be done after. It was really quite messy :D
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And that concludes my presentation for:

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That's all for now, wishing you a beautiful day ~ Life is Beautiful.

The Best is yet to come, Keep Creating Keep Hiving!

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,

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