Use manual tools


Today, due to the fact that the bucks are quiet again because the economy in my area is having difficulty harvesting rice, it is also not maximal so I fill in my spare time by cleaning the used decel that belongs to the Supra x 2007 motorbike because in the past, there were many bolts that had been lost so here I will fix all of them Because this is the original factory default material, instead of buying new counterfeits, I better fix the original material, here I don't just clean it but also chisel it to add a motif so that it looks a bit striking and also reduces the occurrence of over-head because I think it's in the fins It's not too dangerous when it's chiseled like this, how bad it is for me to be here, when I chisel a thin part I am careless enough to break one fin because I am too tight when I hit the chisel and also the hammer I use is too big, for those of you who want to chisel like this, it's better not to use a big hammer, just use the smallest hammer in your workshop.


And this is after I cleaned the part of the gear timing room which used to be very dirty because other people paid less attention to this part of the area, because the area here wants to be dirty to be clean it doesn't affect engine performance, in my opinion it is, but if there is a crust of oil it is very dangerous for The machine is useless, we change the oil regularly every month. If there is an oil crust like this, the oil crust is what causes the oil to get dirty quickly even after we change the oil using 1 kilometer, the oil gets dirty immediately because the crust will fade when it is filled with new oil because it is oiled. it contains engine cleaning substances from previous oil impurities, for those of you who like motorbikes, if the machine is unloaded, it is better if the machine is washed clean until there is no oil crust in the engine part, what else is a motorbike that often travels long distances.


In the part of the skewer, which was broken because when I opened it there was a stuck bolt, I re-welded it using carbide welding and I also cleaned part of the noken in the shaft room, I haven't cleaned it completely, in the drat closed the valve has also been lost, here I have a very big task because in the valve section it is very difficult to return it to before because there are rarely tools to fix it so here I decided to take a break to find the next way.


This is after I cleaned everything and tidied up my sculptures, you can see the broken part before I had time to weld it because the welder was busy, but I calmed down a little because I had repaired the drat part of the valve cover by re-welding and then tapping it with a tool. specifically to return the thread back.

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