Replacing The Engine Interior

Hi everyone, greetings to all of us, hopefully we are always in good health and always. For this time I will share a little or explain and tell about the experience that happened to myself.


In the past few days I have been feeling uncomfortable driving but I don't really care about it, and I thought it was just my mind that might be due to fatigue from work, but suddenly my motorcycle died today and had to be taken to a repair shop. , when I arrived at the workshop, I was surprised that my motorbike was badly damaged in the engine, from the mechanic's explanation my motorbike was damaged due to my negligence in maintaining the motorbike.


It was so bad the condition of my motorcycle engine, the mechanic told me that the only best way so that my motorcycle could run again as before was to replace all the internal contents of the engine, and I couldn't help but have to replace it because the motorcycle was the only motorcycle I had. and by using the motorbike I can go to work.


In the process of replacing all the contents of the Daleman motorcycle engine, it didn't take long, I only had to wait about 3 hours, because all the items were already available at the workshop.


The cost of replacing all the internal contents of the machine is a bit expensive in my opinion. I am so sorry for my negligence in maintaining the motor that resulted in such severe damage to the engine.


As motorbike owners, we also have to take care of motorbikes such as changing the oil once a month and regularly taking motorbikes to official service points so that the condition of our motorbikes is always fine and it will be safer when we drive, especially those of us who use motorbikes every day as the main transportation to go to workplace.


After everything is finished in pairs and the engine has been raised again and the motor can run again. It feels like driving like we're riding a new motorbike.

Now I am calm and very comfortable riding my motorbike when I go to work or travel with my family.

This is the most bitter experience I have had as a motorcycle owner, this is the first and this is the last, in the future I will pay more attention to my motorbike and will regularly change the oil at least once a month and will take the time to take the motorbike to an official service center.

That's all from me tonight @princessflower I highly recommend for motorcycle owners to always be alert and always take the time to take care of their favorite motorcycle and regularly change the oil every month.

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