Keto Diet Community



Welcome to the Keto Diet Community on Hive. The vision for this community is for members to have one place to find information about keto dieting and to share our experiences. This can be in the form of informational blog posts about the science behind ketogenesis, or journal entries about our experiences.

We have different reasons for undertaking a keto diet. For some of us, it is weight loss. For others it may be for health reasons. Whatever the case may be, the underlying approach is the same. Community is important because these diets require, for some, a whole new way of eating and living. It helps to have support from others undergoing the same changes.

It also helps to find ideas for cooking delicious keto meals. Recipes are welcome and very much sought.

Overlap With Other Diets

There is some degree of overlap between keto and a protein diet. The major distinction is that keto gets the majority of calories from fats. Protein diets get a majority of calories from protein. The distinction is that protein stimulates an insulin response as a result of gluconeogenesis, which is still preferable over the response to carbohydrates. With that in mind, protein dieters do have something to contribute to this community.

There is also some overlap between keto and fasting. The main distinction is that keto dieting relies on external fats for energy, while fasting relies on stored fat for energy. Ultimately, both induce a state of ketogenesis. In fact, a combination of keto and fasting has some significant health benefits. Therefore, practitioners of fasting are also welcome to share their knowledge and experience in this community.

Note of Caution

Of course, as with any major health decision, you should consult with your physician if you are planning on starting any of these diets. You want to establish a baseline of health markers so that you can track progress over time.

Curation and Delegation

From time to time, the Keto Community account will search for new keto content and cross-post it to the community. The community will also upvote keto, fasting, and protein diet posts. Some delegation is in the works. Your delegation to Hive-100903 is welcome and appreciated.

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