Gratitude and Beautiful Bantayan | SANTA FE, BANTAYAN ISLAND, CEBU, PHILIPPINES

Albert Einstein once said, “There are two ways on how to live life: one, as if nothing is a miracle, and two, as if everything is (a miracle)”.

I am choosing the second one. I realized, Albert got a point back there. All that we are, all that we have—they are miracles [we are]! I mean, one day, we can all wake up without everything we have or lose everything we love or are given a serious illness, or we can be really terribly depressed because of such things.

But no, here we are, we are still breathing beating alive human beings— and that is a miracle! And so beginning today, I am choosing to remind myself to choose gratitude because we are living a life full of little and big miracles!


I am grateful for God, for giving me sooooo much more than I deserve. I have life, I am still breathing, I have complete body parts, I have a loving and supportive family, I have my caring parents, I have a house to stay no matter the sun or rain, I have the most genuine friends I could ever ask for, I am living in a tropical DID I SAY GORGEOUS country, I have access to ACHINGLY BEAUTIFUL beaches and forests and mountains, I can breathe air without any equipment attached to me, I can eat without any problem, I can walk, run, talk, laugh, cry, read, write... I mean— it’s endless!


ENDLESS MIRACLES! And I... I am happy and indebted and grateful and blessed and thankful and full of overflowing joy.


How about you? What are your miracles? And also, do you know you are one? Yes! You are a walking, talking, breathing miracle! ✨

El Paradiso— The Beauty that is Bantayan


It was my very first time going to the famous island of Bantayan last May 5th, 2021. Believe me when I say, and this may be an understatement, but the island has captured my heart. Truly. Wholy. I am captivated by its beauty. That is why I went there again last June 24th. And I can say that I can go back there again and again and I will never grow tired of soaking in its beauty.



The island of Bantayan truly deserves its spot as one of the many islands in Cebu province famous to tourists-- both local and foreign. THE ISLAND IS A PARADISE!



I took so (too many!) many photos. The only time I did not take photos was when I literally soaked in all the beauty as much as I could for as long as I possibly could. I will have to post the other pictures for the next post, right?


Have you been to Bantayan? How was your experience? Yayyyy do share! 💛

‘Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. 💛❤️

Ciao for now! 🤗🥰

Jong CL

Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.

Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! 💛 Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! 💛

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