Introducing hivemessage


Description problem and solution

The creation of hivemessage it was done mainly due to the fact that many communities inside hive they had no way to communicate due to this this communities use rooms such as discord, telegram and other are used. With this in mind, I came up with the idea of ​​creating a discord-type page in which users can create channels and rooms to communicate by sending information about everything to the blockchain.

The demo is available at the following link:

How to use the site

  • Once entered the home page this will send users to the login.
  • To login to hivemessage you need to have installed Hive Keychain.
  • Once logged in you will be in the main panel from here create channels and rooms if you are the creator user of the channel If you are not an administrator of any channel I can create one or if you are part of some other channel you can send messages to the rooms of this.

how to create channels

To create channels use the + button and fill in the creation form

once created the channel you can create the rooms and invite other users to be part of this find your invitation link in the chain icon

public repositories

hive message consists of two parts: the web server that receives both distributes the information from the blockchain and also the front code that connects:


tools used for creation


  • @hivechain/dhive - client to communicate with the blockchain
  • express - used to create the api rest that sends the stored information
  • postgresql - used to store the information sent to the blockchain


  • vuejs - used to work the site view
  • tailwindcss - used to define styles to view

As I said any user can create their own channel with their rooms to communicate or also invite other users to join a room already created:

I leave the invitation link of the first room that creates hivemessage:


  1. at this moment the application is functional but the mobile versions have not been configured correctly.
  2. The transactions have to be confirmed by the blockchain and placed in the blocks for that reason there are times that they do not appear instantly but they are all processed.
  3. If any translation is wrong, forgive me, I keep improving my English.

without more to say I hope any comment you want to leave me about the idea

3 columns
2 columns
1 column