Fluffy Lunch Date and Normal-human-simulation


The dog in the next picture is the fluffy one, not me, though I’m due for a date with the razor too.

My auntie called me up and asked me for an extempore lunch while she was in the city. I didn’t have anything planned other than procrastination so I took up on the offer. We had a nice day chatting, eating and walking the cute fluffy doggo, though the stubborn dog was the one determining most of the routes we took.

When I came home in the afternoon, to a clean (according to my slack standards) home, I realised this is what it must feel like to function like a normal human being. You see, I’m expecting my man to come over so I want to trick him into thinking that I’m wife material with a clean house, a home cooked meal and a hair did nails did woman waiting on him. (Don’t worry for the homie, he’ll read this and he already knows me, no actual trickery going on in here.) What all of that means is I usually need a lot of time to pull it off since I’m actually a fucking sloth. I ain’t got time for some impromptu socializing, I need to be on my knees mopping the floor with my hair on rollers and then run to the store to have more than instant ramen and the remnants of a box wine in the fridge.

Not this time though, not this time, because I’ve managed to execute home duties in an orderly fashion and keep on top of everything. The fridge is full of nutrients, the wine box is not empty, sheets are fresh and floors vacuumed, and even the dishwasher is emptied and clean clothes are already folded. AND I still have plenty of time to do other stuff and most importantly; to choose my character.

Is this how the other half lives!?

I gotta say, not bad, not bad at all. Might get used to it.

In need of positive attention and conversations with every other stranger? Get yourself a chow chow.

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