I have bin here before ,.. many times , . this collapsing of society .

I have bin here before ,.. many times , . this collapsing of society .

This is not a reality but more a feeling i have deep inside . It could entirely be something isolated to me and have nothing to do with ongoing demise in our modern-day society . It could be that my vision is not as clear as i think it is .That i am blinded by personal interest or even greed . I don't know and only the future can expose any fictional reality that we might make up today . Still , i have this feeling , i have bin here before ,... many times .
For reference i will post a nice old poem ones written in a language that is said to be the first ever written and not spoken for ages .

Listen my friend
This is the dream i dreamed last night .
I stood before a awful being , the somber faced man-bird .
He turned his stare towards me and led me away to the palace of Arcala .
The queen of darkness . To the house of non who enter never return .
Down the road from witch is no going back .
There is the house of who's people sit in darkness ,
dust is there food and clay there meat .
There cloved with wings for covering , they see no light .
They sit in darkness .
I entered the house of dust and i saw the king's of the Earth .
There crown's put away forever .
Rulers and princes all who whore kingly crown's and
ruled the world in the days of the old .
They who had stood in the place of gods , stood now like servant's .
In the house of dust whit high priest's and illiterates , priest's of incantation and extacy . And here was Ereshkigal the queen of the underworld ,
she who keeps the book of the death . She raised her head .
She saw me and spoke ,.. Who has brought this one here ?
Then i awoke , like a man drained of blood , who wonders alone , ..
in a waste .

A poem written by someone witnessing the collapse of his society .
The collapse of the existing conformist system that had thrived for a very very long time , with as main course the climate change .
Hail Bob had just passed and the solar system did the Earth glow up a bit more . Making the already salty lands impossible to use anymore .
There city's collapsed and turned to desserts .

Reading this old poem in this time and age , makes me somehow relate to it , feel it , and knowing it is all a cycle .


I heard that someone ones asked a question to the one that should know .
The answer was ,.. short after the crusaders are back in Mesopotamia .
Well did they ? and did something change ? ,... did it ?

And don't get me wrong , i do not fear , what ever the future brings me .
Might even say , that i await it with a smile on my face .

Have a nice day , enjoy these last days while you can ,.. ;-)

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