Four Hour Workweek Response: My Target Income, What I WIll Do With My Time


I've been being nagged by my guides to read Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris for a while.

I read it before and couldn't finish it to the end.

Quite Simply, I can't stand the writer

The writing voice does not vibe with what I like to read.


The message is good.

One of the exercises asks you to add up how much money you would want to lead your ultimate lifestyle

I came up with $900 per day.

And now my goal is to make $900 per day.

At first I was a little taken aback with the sum. Is this ridiculous? And then I realized its not, its just simply what it would cost to open up my time, so that I could persue my personal wants.

For example, I would love to go back to school and become a medical assistant.

This is a ten month program.

I don't ever want to work as a Medical Assistant

But I do want to brush up on giving shots and taking blood, and certain emergency procedures.

I have four kids and my parents are getting older.

I need (and want) these skills.

I love the idea of earning $900 a day

And living my life like I do now, but with a LOT more free time.

What if I really could pay someone to come wash my car, and clean my house?

And what if I could just pay to get my basement encased, and extend the porch and add a glass fence?

And what if I could just get water filters, and add a fourth bedroom? And pay an organizer to tell me how to make a kitchen this size effective?

What if I could have someone care for my kids while I went to school for a few hours?

What if I could be just like my kids, and do the things I like all day, and not worry about anything else?

Well, that costs about $900 per day

Oh, and yes, I do understand that I could cut that number drastically by cleaning my own windows, and not cleaning them so often. But why aim low.

I don't mind making dinner for my family every day. But it sure would save hours of my time if someone else did it.

And I don't mind looking organization tips up on Pinterest. But I would rather use it to figure out how to make $900 per day.

How much money would it take for you to live your dream life?

Funny how the more I say it, the easier it is to imagine is as a reality $900 per day.

Next Post Should Read: Tim Ferris is an efficient asshole, but his message is effective.

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