"🐑A Shepherd's Christmas Tale🐑" by Duncan Cary Palmer

“Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact Angels have no religion as we know it...
Their existence precedes every religious system that has ever
existed on Earth...”

– Thomas Aquinas –

Everyone loves a story. It's how we grow up; listening to and loving stories....

Today, in honor of the Christmas season, I have a story for you, your children, and your grandchildren.

This is a rerun, first released here on Steemit last year at this time. I've polished it slightly since then, and think it fit to share with you in the hope that it will enhance your own celebration of Christmas, even as revisiting this bit of history has been encouraging to me.

I want to share a fresh introduction to—really, only a glimpse into—the greatest story of them all... So great, I'll ask you to go get that cup of coffee or cocoa, set aside any distractions, and really "tune in" to hear it.

So, please settle your mind. Take a few deep, calming breaths. Focus your soul, and pretend along with me that you're hearing this for the very first time...


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Everyone Loves a Story
Photo courtesy of Chinh Le Duc and http://unsplash.com

"🐑A Shepherd's Christmas Tale🐑"

~by Duncan Cary Palmer~

"Moishe, it's time for bed."

Avi Ben-Adam, preoccupied with his record-keeping, had allowed the candle to burn lower than he ought. Of course, grandson Moishe had taken advantage of 'Ampa's distraction to stay up later than usual.

Being creative (as children are), Moishe had another ploy to extend the day.

"'Ampa, tell me a story!"

"Bubbala, it's late."

"But 'Ampa, I want to hear about when you were a shepherd."

Ben-Adam hesitated, as if his decision could go either way. But, oy vavoy, wasn't this his eyniklekh, his own flesh and blood?

"O.K. boy, but tomorrow you'll go to bed early, you hear me?"

"I will, 'Ampa, I promise."

Avi Ben-Adam cleared his throat, looked off into the distance, and then—in his best story-telling voice—began.

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"Child, it was a very cold night.

"Your great grandpa (my Abba), uncle Eldad, and I had just gotten the sheep settled into a small hillside ravine. We were camped on the downhill side, guarding them from lions that sneak up the valley.

"Abba was almost asleep in his bedroll, but Eldad and I were sitting on a boulder, talking about girls. Our small fire had already gone out. A few remaining coals were barely keeping our feet warm.

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Guarding the Sheep
Photo courtesy of nima hatami and http://unsplash.com

"The night was moonless, and the stars and the Sky River were beautiful over our heads.

"I was starting to nod off, thinking seriously about crawling into my blanket roll.

"Suddenly, like lightning, a shining man appeared right in front of us.

"His face, his clothes, everything about him—he was like the sun. He lit up the whole surrounding valley.

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"He was like the sun. He lit up the whole valley..."
Photo courtesy of David Law and http://unsplash.com

"We were blinded, thunderstruck. I fell over backwards off the boulder, trying to hide from this terrifying sight.

"'It's O.K.,' he said to us. 'You don't need to be scared.'

"That was easy for him to say. Eldad and I couldn't stop shaking. How could we? I had never seen anyone like him before, and never would again. His voice sounded like thunder, echoing back and forth between the cliffs.

"The shining stranger smiled as if to reassure me.

"'You're really going to enjoy the news I've got.'

"News? I mused. Is this blazing creature some sort of messenger? As if reading my thoughts, he continued.

"'In fact, everyone with a heart is going to love what I'm about to tell you. Today—just hours ago—a very special baby was born.'

"What's this? A baby? Who could it be....?

"'Down in David's town. One who has been chosen, sent to deliver you. This very day, GOD has come to earth. God has become a man.'

"Could it possibly be...?

"'You want proof? Go ahead. Check it out. You'll find the babe, warmly wrapped... in a hay trough, of all places.'

"My courage was starting to return. Just as I peeked over the top of the boulder, my world was shattered again.

"Like a starburst, hundreds more shining men appeared.

"We were surrounded. Filling the air above, and on all sides, was an army of fearsomely blazing soldiers. I felt their brilliance like a force of nature, almost like a hurricane blast.

"They all started speaking at once; the sound was deafening.

"'✨Hallelujah!✨ ✨GLORY! GLORY!✨✨God is GREAT!✨ ✨HE has kept His promises to Adam, to Eve, to Abraham!✨'

"Their mighty chorus of voices reverberated back and forth among the hills.

"'✨From now on, all men with heart can be at peace.✨ ✨The Prince of Peace has arrived. GOD with us. GLORY!✨'

"Bubbala, I began getting so excited! I could hardly believe my ears. The Promised One—all my life, I had thought your great grandpa was just making that part up—Emmanuel was really here? Now? And, right down the hill in The House of Bread, in Bet'le'hem?

"Just as I was beginning to get my shaking under control, suddenly as they had appeared, they were gone. Vanished. Where? Back up into the sky, I guess.

"The hillside was again dark. The echoes of their powerful voices died away. Now the silence was deafening. The dazzle in our eyes faded slowly, and, blinking, we could once again begin to see our starlit surroundings.

"Eldad and I looked at each other... Then we went and shook Abba awake.

"Oy, can you believe it? Your great grandpa had slept through the whole thing. I wish you could have known him, Wow, was he a heavy sleeper.

"What happened next, 'Ampa?"

Quickly catching on to the child's ploy, Avi Ben-Adam replied.

"Forget it, Moishe. You know what happened next. Let's save the rest of that story for another night. Suffice it to say, Eldad and I practically ran all the way to town.

"It was just like they had told us. We found Him—baby Yeshua—King of Kings, LORD of lords—Can you believe it?—wrapped in rags, lying in some hay?

"Oy vey, What a disgrace!"


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Lonely Shepherds
Photo courtesy of Biegun Wschodni and http://unsplash.com

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