Sapien Loop - Chapter 23: You Have Visitors


Chapter 23: You Have Visitors

A week had passed. Orcille was still alone on his side of the partition, and Denise and Vulay were on the other side. Morgan was being held in a cage at the back of the Enforcer Headquarters. Arville, who had just been promoted to commander, decided it was better to keep Morgan away from the others.

Orcille, Denise, and Vulay were beginning to bond. Oddly, they had bonded over toilet arrangements. Orcille did not have a toilet on his side of the partition. The toilet was on the girl’s side, but it was near the bars. When Orcille needed to urinate, he aimed through the bars. The girls granted him privacy by turning away when he needed to go. Defecating was more difficult. When he needed to go, the girls handed him toilet paper and granted him privacy. When he was done, he wrapped his poo completely in toilet paper. He would lightly toss it into the toilet. The girls would flush on his behalf. Luckily, for everyone, Orcille’s accuracy was good.

Arville approached the holding cell. ‘Hey ladies, it’s the ex-commander’s last day with us,’ he said with a smile on his face. ‘It’s also visitation day. It looks like Denise has two visitors and Orcille has none,’ he said as he smiled at Orcille.

Arville noticed Vulay was staring at him. ‘You don’t have any visitors either,’ he remarked as he stared back at Vulay. ‘Please don’t look at me like you want to kill me,’ he said as he blew Vulay a kiss.

Vulay just continued to stare. Arville directed his attention to Denise. ‘Let’s go. Mummy is waiting to see you,’ he said in a baby voice.

He opened the cell door, handcuffed Denise, and escorted her to the interrogation room, where Latma was waiting to see her. Arville placed a plate of brightly coloured donuts on the table. He then poured two cups of juice. ‘Here you go, ladies, courtesy of the Adoy Enforcer Department. Just a reminder. You have fifteen minutes, and then your next guest arrives,’ said Arville as he left the room.

‘I missed you so much, sweetie,’ Latma said to Denise as she reached over to hug her.

‘I missed you too, mummy,’ replied Denise as she began to cry.

They hugged for a few minutes.

‘What’s it like in here?’ asked Latma.

‘It’s awful. I hate it,’ replied Denise. ‘They won’t let me see, dad.’

‘I’m going to see him next,’ replied Latma. ‘I can pass on a message.’

‘Tell him, I love him. Nothing else matters right now,’ said Denise as she began to weep.

Arville returned to the holding cell. He opened the cell door. ‘Hands behind your back,’ he said firmly to Vulay. She put her hands behind her back and faced the wall as Arville cuffed her.

‘I thought you said I didn’t have any visitors,’ said Vulay, sounding a little confused.

‘You do now, bitch,’ said Arville as he shoved her face first into the wall.

‘Leave her alone, asshole,’ shouted Orcille.

Arville pulled out his baton. ‘This is my last chance to let you know how I feel about you,’ said Arville as he smirked.

Orcille continued shouting as he shook the partition hard. Arville smashed Orcille on the knuckles with the baton. Orcille did not even wince. Arville looked quite stunned by his reaction.

With that distraction, Vulay took the opportunity to kick Arville between the legs. Arville dropped the baton and fell to the ground, grimacing in pain. She put her foot on his throat. Orcille grabbed his arms so he could not push her off. He looked up at her in fear. She pushed down a little harder. Arville began to gasp desperately. She released the pressure and then kicked him hard.

‘Get out,’ she screamed at him as she kicked his baton out of the cell.

Arville scrambled out of the cell. He quickly locked the cell as he struggled to his feet. ‘This is not over. I swear this is not over,’ said Arville as he left the area.

‘You showed him, handcuffed and all,’ said Orcille as he clapped.

‘I couldn’t have done it without your distraction,’ Vulay said back with a smile. ‘You must have hands of steel.’

‘No, I’ve just learnt how to block out pain,’ replied Orcille.

Vulay’s face turned slightly sad. ‘You’ve experienced a lot of pain, haven’t you?’ she asked.

Orcille looked back at her and nodded. ‘I’ve learnt how to block the physical pain, but the mental pain has been so much harder,’ he replied.

‘Maybe I can help,’ said Vulay.

‘You want to help me,’ replied Orcille in surprise. ‘You have lost everything because of me.’

‘No, I would have lost everything if I stopped caring,’ said Vulay as she brushed the tips of his fingers.

A few tears rolled down Orcille’s face as he pushed his forehead against the partition bars.

Latma’s time with Denise was up. Arville entered the room. ‘Time to leave,’ he said in a croaky voice.

Latma gave Denise a hug. She was then ushered through the door by Arville. Denise was wondering who her next visitor might be. She was hoping it was Darius. To her surprise, it was Janice. Arville ushered Janice to the seat. She gave Arville a very cold stare as he left the room.

She turned to Denise, who was feeling a little uneasy. ‘How are you doing?’ asked Janice in a neutral tone.

‘Best I can,’ responded Denise.

‘Darius couldn’t come today. He’s not doing so well,’ said Janice as she turned her head slightly away from Denise.

‘I understand it’s tough on him, but it’s been tough on all of us,’ responded Denise.

‘There is a big difference,’ said Janice in a stern voice. ‘Some brought this upon themselves, while others were victims.’

‘Do you think I’m guilty?’ asked Denise.

‘You are guilty of manipulating my son,’ said Janice in an aggrieved tone. ‘You are guilty of breaking his heart. You are guilty of putting my whole family at risk.’

‘I’m sorry for how your family has been affected by all of this,’ responded Denise in a sad tone.

‘I want you to get the help you need. I want you to have a good life and a good future,’ said Janice.

‘I don’t know what to say to you,’ replied Denise.

‘What you do is more important than what you say,’ replied Janice.

‘How does Darius feel about me?’ asked Denise.

Janice paused for a few seconds before responding, ‘He’s conflicted. In his heart, he believes you’re innocent and good.’

‘Regardless of what happens with your rehabilitation,’ said Janice. ‘I don’t see a future for the two of you. If you are released, I would prefer you to keep away from Darius.’

Denise gently nodded her head. Janice looked carefully at Denise. She did not see a vile criminal. She saw a girl who was both hurt and frightened.

Janice leaned over and touched Denise’s shoulder. ‘I want to come back sometime soon to see how you are doing, if that’s okay with you?’ asked Janice in a softer tone.

‘Of course that’s fine,’ replied Denise with a slight smile on her face.

Denise was returned to her cell. Denise went straight to the corner of the cell to curl up in a ball.

‘What happened? Who came to see you?’ asked Vulay.

‘It was my mum and Darius’ mum,’ responded Denise.

‘So Darius got his mum to ditch you on his behalf?’ Orcille said as he leaned forward on the partition.

‘Whenever I start thinking you’re decent, you prove you are not,’ snapped Denise angrily.

‘I’ll take that as a “yes”,’ responded Orcille with a bit of satisfaction in his voice.

Vulay waved at him to stop talking. She then sat next to Denise. ‘Don’t be mad with Darius. They put on quite a show,’ said Vulay in a reassuring voice.

‘I’m not mad at Darius. I’m mad at everything. It’s all so wrong,’ Denise said in an exasperated voice.

‘Right now, it’s wrong. But… the truth will emerge, and it will prevail,’ said Vulay in a confident voice. ‘You and Darius will be reunited. Your love will not be denied.’

‘I need a bucket. I think I might vomit,’ interrupted Orcille.

‘I understand your negativity, but your story is far from over yet,’ Vulay said as she turned to Orcille.

‘With all that has happened to you, how can you talk about happy endings?’ replied Orcille in a cynical tone.

‘I won’t lie. I’m in a lot of pain right now. But I’m not giving up because I have a purpose. I am grateful to Victor and both of you for that,’ replied Vulay.

‘I’m beginning to understand why Victor loved you,’ said Denise as she smiled at Vulay. ‘Well, there was a bit more to it than that,’ replied Vulay as she smiled cheekily back at Denise. They both giggled as they lied next to each other on the matrices.

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