Celebrating The Autumn Equinox - A Time Of Balance And Thanksgiving!

On this the Autumn Equinox, both night and day are equal, being in perfect balance with one another.


When we align ourselves with the natural world, we open ourselves up to a deepen understanding and knowing of who we are. We too are affected by the seasons and they bring with them, the opportunity to reconnect and explore. We only need to take the time to sit in silence and observe, observe what is happening around us, in the natural world.

The earth is changing right now, in so many ways. In the natural world the sap in the trees and the plants are beginning to move down,the leaves are changing colour. This is the beginning of root energy, a time of rest and renewal.

This is also the time to travel within, to go within the womb of the earth. Right now we are witnessing the balance between the outer and the inner journey. At this time, we must be ready to journey inwards.

☀️☀️As we navigate our way in the outer world, we realize that so much is in chaos around us. So much has been unveiled this last year and a half. So many of us have lost, family and friends. But now, now we must focus on bringing all of those things into balance. The seen and the unseen, our fear and our joy. Because how can we really move forward unless we embrace them both.☀️☀️

These things have always co existed together, but now, now we have to find a way to bring them into balance, to embrace that darkness so that it can come into the light. This is happening on a far greater scale, that many of us have dealt with before.

But please remember, that we were made for these times and we all have a role to play.

Connect with yourself, step away first so that you can step within and find than inner knowing that will help you during these times.

As we move forward into a better world, we need to embrace all that came before us and all that has led us to this point. We may not agree with it all, but it is all relevant to where we stand now!

The season's are changing and with it the opportunity to begin again, to create a new! As we gather our harvest, give thanks for all that we have and all that we have received. By expressing our gratitude, we open the doors of abundance to flow into our lives. On this magical day, set your intent and take the time to listen to your inner wisdom, so that it can guide your way!


Below is a ceremony that I wrote and that I will be performing alongside a friend of mine,tonight at 9p.m, at our Equinox Festival, my friend will begin in Spanish and I will follow him with the English translation.

We have come here today, to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, a time for balancing and reconciling opposites, so that we can see all things as part of the whole.
It is also a time for thanksgiving, a time to celebrate the years abundance, the celebrate the earth, our friendships, our families, our creations, a time to celebrate our personal harvest.
Now is also the perfect time to celebrate all that we have achieved within the ARC and our associations.

As we begin to focus on bringing all things into balance, we invite each of you to travel inwards, to connect with your heart energy, so that you can feel all that unites us, instead of that which divides us.
It is here, that we can dissolve all judgments and segregation that continues to threaten humanity today.

We begin now to reconcile all sides of ourselves, our masculine and feminine energies, our inner child and wiser self.
We reconcile the dark and the light, our pain and our joy.
As we confront our fears, embrace them, so that we can now act out of love and continue to create a better world.

As the days shorten, now is the time to make long term plans, so that we can incubate our seeds of change.

We now ask, that each person place their right hand on their heart and their left hand on the lower back of the person next to them .

Let your heart open with gratitude, allowing the flow of love and abundance into your life.
Let us now, send out our thanks to mother earth, for the many gifts she has bestowed upon us and the many teachings each of her seasons have given us.

As we express our appreciation for all that she she has provided for us, ask yourself, what can you do to give back,to help heal our imbalanced and rational world.

As w send all our love and commitment out into the earth, I ask you all to make a sound, beginning with a whisper, let it build up to a peak, a peak of connection and then back then into a whisper once again.


Happy Equinox Beautiful Beings, I hope you all have a wonderful day today, where ever you are!

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