Announcing! The Prediction Market Platform You've Been Waiting For

The time has finally arrived for to be presented to the hive community. DublUp is the prediction market that works on hive-engine and uses PAL to create markets for just about any event you can imagine.

Use it to guess who is going to win the big football game on Sunday.

Use it to your hedge crypto portfolio with PAL-settled futures markets.

Use it to guess when Joe Biden will be pushed out of the Presidency by Kamala Harris.

You can make markets out of any event that can be independently verified by the oracles.

Here's how it works:

  • A user creates a market for 100 PAL, which are burned
  • The market creator and other users can place PAL in the various options by purchasing market shares for 10 PAL per share
  • Once the primary phase of the market closes, all trading from then until settlement by the oracles is peer-to-peer
  • After the event closes, oracles vote on the outcome and develop consensus
  • Once consensus is achieved, 95% of the PAL in the market is distributed to the share-based winners, 4% of the market PAL is split among the oracles, and 1% of the market PAL goes to the market creator

So head on over to log in with keychain or smartlock and place your PAL

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