@Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Important Is Research To ME And What Do I Consider Are The Most Important Things In Life, That We Should Be Researching About?

With the expansion of Social Media also comes expansion of information and news coming to us. Till a few years ago mainstream media ruled and whatever they mentioned was at large accepted, but now the situation is different. There is Social Media, there are decentralized platforms and many other private sources which also give out a lot of contradicting information about the same topics that the mainstream media publishes.

With this comes confusion then, as to who to believe and who not to. In this time of pandemic, we have seen this going out of proportion and extreme views from people who support many parts of the pandemic and those who do not support. To come to a point on what we want to accept and believe then stays with us and for that doing some research on the ground is very important. Just coming to a conclusion based on the majority is not the most ideal way of accepting any information.

As such globally there are many hot topics where the views have been extremes, some believe and some do not. But when one does a good research, going till the depth of the matter and checking on ground reality , one will understand what to believe, what not to, and where to take neutral stands.
According to me, right now the most important thing we should consider researching is, on the Vaccines, Global warming and Cryptocurrency information.


Cryptocurrency - I remember around 4 years back, when I got into the space of Cryptos and I was advising my friends and family also to think about making investments in this space, their response would be. No it's illegal, Cryptos are used for wrong activities. Now with time things are changing as more and more adaptability is happening. But then at that point of time, why did people believe that it was the wrong mode of investment? It was just because the media propagated it in that manner. Acceptability is increasing because the media is not sending out negative messages around Cryptos, not as much as before, so people feel it is good and right to invest. But the fact is that many at that time nor now have done any research to consider investing. People think it's a get rich quick scheme, and that is where they face heavy disappointments at the major pumps and dumps.

Cryptos is going to be the future and a very integral part of our lives, just like fiat currency is right now, and eventually everyone will accept it, but the early entries will benefit. To be the beneficiary one needs to do good research on how to distribute your wealth in these investments and just not go with the emotions of the market.

Vaccines - This one has always been one very hot topic right from the start of the pandemic. When I am talking about vaccines, I am not referring to the Covid vaccines, I am talking in general. Personally I am not in favor of vaccines, I believe more in natural health and there are many ways to work on our immunity and maintaining our health. But at the same time, I do respect the decision of even those who are in favor of it, because at the end of the day, you know what is best for you and you need to go ahead with it.

Regarding my own views of not getting vaccinated, it is from years, when my Son was born, who is now 25 years, I never gave him all the vaccines as prescribed. At the same time, it was not that I did not give him any, I gave him a few, which were proven extremely safe in the long run, and after doing some study, I decided to exclude a couple of them. When I was small, I only got 2 vaccines, when my son was small, he was prescribed 16 vaccines, and nowadays there are 26 just in 18 months from birth, and some more till the age of 18. The quality of life has gone down and they are justified against that.

I believe the quality of life to maintain with the baby depends on us, and it is a lot of extra effort for the parent. The first 5 to 6 years for a baby are the most important nutrition wise, if we take good care, they will turn out healthy. How many parents actually do good research on these 26 vaccines given to their so small baby just in 18 months of time, very few.


Global Warming - Another hot topic these days coming up in the news. Who is blamed for this? The common people are made responsible. If you google the main causes of Global warming, the reasons you will find published are, Agriculture and farming, Deforestation, burning fossil fuels. These are some contributing factors, and no denial, but they are the smaller pawns.
No one talks about the bigger pawns, effects of 5G, the chemtrails that are continuously sprayed in the skies, approval of such industries that emit heavy pollution into the air. The use of plastics, If it is so much of a concern, why are these approvals going through. Why is there not a complete ban on these industries. It is important for people to research and then act wisely on the choices they make in their day to day life, of what to use and what not to.

It is important to do research about all the things that directly impact our life and just not go ahead what the majority of the people are doing or what the media is constantly propagating. A lie that gets repeated again and again and again eventually becomes the truth, and we start following that truth, but when we again start peeling the layers, we will learn that it was always a lie and will always be a lie. Thorough research is important before coming to any conclusion. While doing the research it is also important to get hold of the declassified information as well. The governments have been banning so many books with such information, only with the fear that the real truth will be revealed to common people.

Conspiracy Theories is the new trend, these days whatever does not suit the agenda of the Governments and the Big Organizations is termed as Conspiracy Theory.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ


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