dCity Presidency Won, Whats Next?

Looks like I did it, I'm the current dCity president. This was a close race at some points, where the SIMPower difference was very very small. Thank you to all those who voted for me and got me elected in.

The first thing that I did was disable all the taxes except for basic tax, which is set at 3.955%. This got us to a total of 90% taxes. I'll adjust that number to be lower if income tax or war lobby goes up, but if income tax goes down, I will not adjust it up for the current presidency. Until the income tax comes down to 50%, no other taxes will come online. Once we do reach that point though, I might consider activating the war tax(and other taxes with benefits as the income tax comes down even more, but the first step has to happen).

Right now we are sitting at 90% tax for those without a law firm, and 81% for those with a law firm. After weeks of nearly 98% tax or sometimes even over 100% tax, I'm sure many players will enjoy this for at least the next two weeks.

As for the card buying and burning, it will begin tomorrow and the account @rishisock1 will be used to do the buying and burning(and maybe writing a report about what was bought and burned). Looking at the last presidential salary, it was about 6.4K sim, so that much will go towards buying and burning 1st edition cards. While not a truly high number, it might be enough to impact in the longer term. I'll be targeting the cards that are cheap with high income. Only cards listed for sale with SIM will be bought and burned as the SIM will not be sold into any other currencies.

Good luck and enjoy the game everyone.

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