Want to write your Hive posts on a shiny mobile app? A 30$ a day DHF proposal might just make it happen!

A fresh new dev team on the block is presenting their project: Dapplr, a mobile app for the Hive blockchain with a design-first approach.

About two weeks ago I noticed a post about a new proposal for the now very well-funded Hive DHF: Dapplr - First Design Based App Being Built On HIVE. Dapplr exists of a team of people that have been part of Steem and have now moved to Hive. One of the things they agree on: "The one and most important thing that we see missing from all these blockchain applications is a great user experience."

I was scrolling through the profiles of the team a bit and between the lines I read their frustrations with Steem, their hopes for Hive, and their wishes for a 'great new app' as intuitive as Instagram.

I can't agree more!

Here's the team if you want to get to know them yourselves:

We need more mobile apps!

As far as mobile apps go we have Esteem, and the announcement that @peakd is looking for mobile app developers, but I honestly don't care that we have 1 or later maybe 2 good mobile apps: as far as mobile apps go we can't have enough of them! To get 'hooked' on an app you have to looove the look & feel and it has to feel 'intuitive' to you. It's probably why I still miss the @partiko app even though it has less functionalities than Esteem - somehow it was just 'my' app.

Competition is good in this case - and as far as I can see Dapplr will be the one slick app that might invite a newbie onto Hive. Where a 'well-functioning' app is great for the seasoned user, a cool looking app might be best for the user that still has to get curious about Hive.

That tingle you get when you open an app for the first time and it looks soooooo pretty...

Because YES, Dapplr aims to go all-in on good looks

It will have Themes:

A gorgeous home screen:

And of course... The slider!

Now, for me, a SLIDER will be the deciding factor if I will keep using an app

  • On Esteem I always go over the percentage I actually want to give. For example: if I want to give a 50% upvote I will end up sliding to 49, 51, 48, 49, 51... AHHH finally, 50. It's nerve wrecking.
  • On Appics the slider is 'artsy' but I can't get used to it. I need it to be functional - and snappy.
  • This is why I loved Partiko: the slider in that app JUST WORKED. It wasn't fancy, it just satisfied my slider needs for one hundred percent. No fuss.

But anyway, sorry for my sidetrack, the team of @dapplr is already thinking about the perfect slider and I'm curious to see how it will turn out to be.

Could you please help get this proposal funded?

  • The app looks AWESOME
  • We can't have enough mobile apps as competition is good, and different people like different kinds of apps. We need one that gets YOU or the next YOU hooked.
  • They ask for 30 HBD or about 25-30$ a day for a team of 3 people who have so far shown they are willing to work hard for their votes. Those screenshots I shared in this post are the result of one month of work consisting of doing research and creating the initial designs - next to that they are working on visibility on Twitter.
  • Last but not least: they have been very responsive to comments below their posts - for example check out their first post where @roelandp asks them if they will be exclusive to Hive: which they answered with YES!
  • It will be open-sourced after they put out the first version. This prevents of from having another Partiko scenario where no-one can rebuild the app once the devs have gone.

Their proposal seems like a no-brainer to me and a great way of showing that we're able to fund projects of teams that are working hard to show what they are capable of.

Will you help me campaigning for @dapplr?

Basically: just tell other people on Hive about this app we could have if we showed a little support :-)

Thanks @dapplr for all your work so far! I hope my post brings a little push to your efforts so far. Cheers!

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