Whimsically Enclined

There's nothing more frustrating and sad than having a dog pass when you have four dogs total. Whimsy (also spelled Whimsey because her vet spelled it wrong back in the day) our black beauty passed last Saturday morning. It was, by far, the hardest thing to watch. Thai, the little guy on my back here, is probably next to go as he's 14 years old and I'm not so sure I'm ready for that. I don't believe in God but I'm not above saying a quick prayer that he's got a good 4 years left. He is crippled but fiesty none the less. Walks funny. Pretty much how my wife and I are coping with the loss of Whimsy/Whimsey!

Biscuit, who isn't pictured here, is our little Bojack, he misses Whimsy. Luna, a big ol girl, also misses Whims.

It was a sad night to morning which ended in mourning. I died a little inside. But, such is life!

My first post is a sad post, but just take note. Spay your female dogs... Heh heh, I got a kick out of saying spay your bitches to my friends. But seriously, it could add years to their life as Whims was 12 and healthy... But pyometra sneaks up fast and strong. It is gut wrenching.

Much love!

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