CTP Update: 3 Steps to Success

I am done with the welcome, and on to tutorials.

The ClickTrackProfit site has lots of good things going for it.

One, the videos are super short. So, even if you have just 5 minutes, you can keep moving forward in the training without getting too antsy.

I finally learned that the product we are "selling" or leading people to is the ClickTrackProfit site. Which makes me wonder when I will be starting to pay for all this coaching I am getting.

I am also wondering what else besides leading people to the CTP site has to offer.

I am also wondering what the income potential is.

New CTP friends community. How do we make money here? What is the pay structure? I am on this train, but I don't quite know where I am going.

the route is beautiful, but where is it going?

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