How Long Have You Been A Hodler?


I love this meme because I bought my first Bitcoins in the early part of 2013. It was in a big box franchise coffee shop from a guy who mined them in his home, on a GPU mining rig. This was before Bitcoin ATMs. I found him on

I also began mining BTC before ASIC miners existed. Once the difficulty, hardware changes and profitability forced me to rethink, I moved to just buying. Think long term people. Have patience, these swings have happened before. On the whole, crypto adoption is still low overall. There is still an immense amount of growth to come.

Hodl Steemians. Hopefully you sold high and can buy up the cheaper Steem we currently have, and potentially have to come. It’s a gift in the long term. DTube is exploding and many more Steem based networks are coming.

How long have you been in the crypto game?

Tell us below about how you got invested in the comments to get upvoted!

Luke Steemwalker says HODL and Accumulate for the long term!

Click Here for My Next Post- Dr. Evil

But Upvote and Comment First, I love my followers!

It's Hilarious. A Parody Masterpiece, 5 Stars ***** Lol. Must See!!

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