I've never worn masks in 2021 or 2020. I would rather die in prison. So, I've written on my blog that I may be arrested someday. I may be murdered. I write that down for the record. They want us dead. Now, the good news is people are waking up.

Some people are not waking up. Some people may wake up next year or someday. It's more a question of are enough people waking up fast enough before it's too late. We should as humans assume not enough people are waking up fast enough and soon enough. We cannot know and may not the truth regarding these things until who knows when.

My advice for people is to continue waking up people while simultaneously plotting escape routes to live out on a logged cabin in the woods someday. So, then it become a question of priorities. Do we spend most of our times trying to buy land? The answer might be yes for most people. There is a good 80/20 rule people have regarding how to balance life. Spend 80 percent of your time on things that work the best like say a main job, career, work, source of income, etc. Spend the remaining bit of your time, money, resources, cryptocurrencies, land, property, talents, gifts, abilities, trades, wisdom, advice, etc, onto trying new things, gambling, investing into cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, the shit-coins, things that may not work, risks, things might work, different things, diverse your portfolio, don't put all your eggs in one basket, killing 2 birds with one stone if you can, etc.

In regards to living out in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, robots and drones will be sent to murder you. So, people should be trying to buy and build robotic bodyguards, force-fields, walls, trees, rocks, slaves (just kidding), body guards, guns, anything that can help us protect ourselves. People should network and find like-minded souls. Have walky talkies. Check out the Steve Quayle Satellite Phone thing he has promoted. Check out Ham radio and other ways to communicate through the Internet, radio, short wave radio, CB radio, etc.

We should save knowledge while we still can. Share the articles. Make videos. Type it out. Send the emails. Print it out. Buy the books. Write it out on paper while we still can. Someday, there may be no Internet or aspects of it may be down at times.

Not everybody has to wake up but enough people can attempt to reform and repair corruption in governments. I believe in promoting real 2020 U.S. forensic ballot audits, not fake audits but real audits, to pressure states towards decertifying their electoral votes. I'm not going to say what might or might not happen as states begin to decertify their votes.

I will say we will eventually see Joe Biden with less than 270 electoral votes for the 2020 election. When that happens, then the fake news will try to attack and destroy anybody involved in getting those votes decertified. They will be deemed as Jan6 Terrorists.

I believe in speaking up at school council meetings, the board meetings, town hall meetings. I love seeing the videos of all of that. I encourage people to vote for Larry Elder to be the new governor of California. Yes, they are trying to steal it from Larry as they did already in 2020 from Trump.

It might be best for some people to spend most of their time educating the world. Covid Vaccines are killing millions to billions of people globally these next few years in the 2020s and mostly between 2020 to 2025 and that is assuming to the extent we do not rush towards enough natural remedies to flush out the vaccines out of the body. The vaccines are creating Delta and other variants. Those who are not vaccinated are getting sick from those who are vaccinated. When you die from the vaccine, they say Covid killed you. That is true, Covid killed you. What they don't tell you is that the vaccines are making the Covid that you die from and that the vaccines are not vaccines and are teaching your body to mass-produce the virus. It also messes with the immune system to cause it to literally eat yourself up. At the same time, it also causes blood clots which then causes a bunch of other problems.

All we can do and should do for the most part is do our own research and spread it around like crazy. That is what I believe in doing. Yeah, I know it depends on the individual regarding what and how the individual should go about doing what. So, some people might not be able to influence a lot of people. So, it might be better for them to focus on supporting those who can for example. But that is up to each individual to decide as it should be, right or wrong.

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