Phill from GCHQ - page 83 - Photography

Photography - Page 83 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.

Previous page: Phill from GCHQ - page 82 - The Cathedral

Introduction to this weeks page

John Charles Ryle was the first bishop of Liverpool. A stern and devoted man that would probably turn in his grave if he saw the current state of affairs... female Anglican priests, gay weeding and pagan comics! (I also suspect that he would object to gay weddings as well).

Happy reading.


Thanks to some very dedicated and helpful people the comic about Phill from GCHQ can also be read in other languages. New pages are published on their respective Steemit pages. Please follow them and support their work!

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or with cryptocoins:

Bitcoins: 1EpzfvHpvYui8dguG2sbxk7VvcehxZGNca

Ether: 0x779f31b12862e6d750cbbcdb9a2c315b44504d83

Litecoin: LcUeDDMSzhaGwMd7m6x1qptdNZ3nrPEyiq

Steem: here on Steemit :)

The comic is, like all my digital artworks, made exclusively with open source software:

The comic is licensed as

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)

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