Phill from GCHQ - page 78 - Rollin, Rollin...

Rollin, Rollin... - Page 78 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.

Previous page: Phill from GCHQ - page 77 - Latisha Babin

Introduction to this weeks page

On the road again! Phill and his friends have decided to get on with the story. I just had to make this cut-through drawing of the electric car, Mary, first. (Mary who is named - not after the Danish crownprincess - but after the ship of Rasmus Klump). I loved such cut-through drawings when I was a child, and I think it is a good way to start a comic-trip.

I have been reading a lot about electric cars this week. A reader of the comic from Diaspora was kind enough to use some time discussing it with me and that led me to realising just how simple and perfect a solution an electric car is... except for the batteries. Most fascinating is how people have started to convert old cars with obsolete motors. When a better battery technology is invented all they have to do is replacing the Lithium-ion batteries. All the rest is simple and proven technology.

And.. there is still some suspense in the last panel.

Happy reading.


Thanks to some very dedicated and helpful people the comic about Phill from GCHQ can also be read in other languages. New pages are published on their respective Steemit pages. Please follow them and support their work!

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Bitcoins: 1EpzfvHpvYui8dguG2sbxk7VvcehxZGNca

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Litecoin: LcUeDDMSzhaGwMd7m6x1qptdNZ3nrPEyiq

Steem: here on Steemit :)

The comic is, like all my digital artworks, made exclusively with open source software:

The comic is licensed as

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)

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