Color Challenge Wednesday Yellow - "RUTILATED QUARTZ" ~ © Tiffany E. Reed

I mentioned "chemical orgies" in one of my previous posts (How Rocks Get Their Color). In those situations, impurities can chemically-bond with the elements that form the rocks. However, another situation can occur, that being the presence of another substance with no chemical-bonding taking place.

Sometimes when quartz forms, rutile (also known as titanium dioxide) can become trapped inside. The rutile usually grows as long needle-like structures because of the way the titanium and oxygen bond together. Rocks with such included material is called "rutilated quartz."


~photo by me, a rutilated quartz pendant~
(one of my wearable mineral specimens)

Rutile is golden-yellow in color and appears bright when light reflects off it. If the "needles" inside the quartz are dark green or black, then they are made of tourmaline instead of rutile, and the rock is called "tourmalinated quartz." states that:

While most varieties of transparent quartz are valued most when they show no inclusions, rutilated quartz is valued specifically for the lovely patterns formed by the delicate golden needles of rutile inside it.


~photo by me, closeup of rutilated quartz~

Besides the above-pictured bullet-shaped pendant of rutilated quartz, I also found a beautiful rultilated quartz sphere in a shop long ago.


~photo by me, rutilated quartz sphere~

This sphere began as an irregular hunk of rock, which was carved and polished into the round shape for display.


~photo by me, closeup of rutilated quartz~

When lit from underneath, the rutile material inside the clear quartz really stands out! Note that all of the rutile needles are golden color; the ones that appear dark in this shot are merely being back-lit and therefore show in profile.


~photo by me, illuminated rutilated quartz~

Turning the sphere slightly, to get a view of another side:


~photo by me, illuminated of rutilated quartz~

Sometimes, rutilated quartz is referred to as "Venus Stone" and the rutile inclusions are imagined to be the hair of Goddess. In such cases, metaphysical properties of a feminine nature are ascribed.

There are plenty of fascinating images of rutilated quartz on the Internet for anyone who wants to see more! 😊




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